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more than frnd over internet

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Guest sheryl

i met this guy over internet , n v have been frnds , for past 2n1/2 yrs n both of us have very bad past so v r kind of vurnerable and shy.Well he previously had gf over internet then they broke up , i was very casual at that time but later v came incredibly closer cos of our similar past experiences v had more common things n then he tried hard 2 make me feel loved but i was naive enough to understand his signals .One day suddenly he tells me that he was with another female again over internet , at that time i was complete shock n terrified.


i was very angry i didnt talk 2 him for months he tried sendin me text n wanted to be in touch with me , so i thought 2 forgive him n started talkin again n i did bcos i passionately fell in love with him , , he is still respectin n being loyal n being close 2 me but he also has his new gf , i get insecured n if i tease him or just have some casual talks he bcomes sensitive towards n easily hurt ,n suddenly now a days he is craving for sex chat n again trying to make me feel love he his trying harder to to make me realize abt falling in love with him, i dont undertsand does he love me or uses me ? worst thing is that i am very scared 2 get close 2 him cos he is now behaving like lover n take things 2 seriously.n v both r shy

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So he was with a girl over the internet. Does that mean he had sex with her? If so, why would you go back to someone who was unfaithful? If you don't teach a person how to respect you, they probably never will. Love should not make you feel betrayed. Instead of waiting for someone else to love, you try loving yourself. Let your confidence show by not feeling sorry for yourself because of what he did. I learned the hard way that I had to begin to only accept the best from my relationships. I no longer settle for the crap.





i met this guy over internet , n v have been frnds , for past 2n1/2 yrs n both of us have very bad past so v r kind of vurnerable and shy.Well he previously had gf over internet then they broke up , i was very casual at that time but later v came incredibly closer cos of our similar past experiences v had more common things n then he tried hard 2 make me feel loved but i was naive enough to understand his signals .One day suddenly he tells me that he was with another female again over internet , at that time i was complete shock n terrified.


i was very angry i didnt talk 2 him for months he tried sendin me text n wanted to be in touch with me , so i thought 2 forgive him n started talkin again n i did bcos i passionately fell in love with him , , he is still respectin n being loyal n being close 2 me but he also has his new gf , i get insecured n if i tease him or just have some casual talks he bcomes sensitive towards n easily hurt ,n suddenly now a days he is craving for sex chat n again trying to make me feel love he his trying harder to to make me realize abt falling in love with him, i dont undertsand does he love me or uses me ? worst thing is that i am very scared 2 get close 2 him cos he is now behaving like lover n take things 2 seriously.n v both r shy

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