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What am I to do?

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In 91 I married a man who abused me and 5 yrs later we divorced. I then married in 97 a man I truly loved then. I have Never forgotten my 1st love. Now after being married to this man for 10 yrs with many problems I have cheated 2 times before and now I am involved with a man at work. I am so taken by him. He takes my breath away. I am from a very religious family so I have noone to talk to. Me and my husband have Mannnyyy issues that make our marriage hard. I believe we stay together for the money and kids.


Anyway this guy at work happens to be married to a very sick women she could die anytime. which makes me feel terrible. But we are sooo attracted to each other. we have made love 2 times and I think about him all the time. I know he wont leave his wife. But he told me if something was to happen to her he wants me. I am ok with that but I mean that could be a lifetime away. In the mean time I think my husband suspects something but I dont care but he wants sex and I cant give it to him. But he also withholds from me and has had orgasms and left me cold.


I am soo miserable I dont know what to do anymore. I am soo happy at work. Then I come home to miss my man at work. It is starting to affect my attitude with my kids please advise me I am so miserable.

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