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A friend Problem

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I have known this girl for 2 months , i talk to her on msn . I am shy of talking to her face to face. I never talked to her face to face. What do you think i should say to her the first time?

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I guess you could bring up an old conversation/event that you have talked about in the past. Or maybe tell her you're sort of nervous, and then she'll understand.

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Does she know your name? Usually what I will do is go up to the girl in question, introduce myself and then go from there. Once you break the ice, it really is uphill from there.

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Yes of course she knows my name. But dont know how to talk to her the first time face to face and she kows other things besides my name. I dont know how to begin the first time. ????????????????

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flexible christian

turn the vibe on.

next time you see her talk to her

with a friend sence. To think of her

as a friend only because you imediately

think of her as a girlfriend your thoughts

drop and you stay put without saying a thing.

Get her mood going, ask her questions such as

how is your day doing, did you do anything last night

chances if you guys talked the night before you see her

let her know it was great talking to her.

Then maybe spit out the fact you are nervous around her.

be straight up with it, break the path between shiness and

none sence. Belive me once you tell her you get nervous

around her she will understand and ask you why you get

nervous around her then from their own you tell her why.

If things turnout well she might open up the door and start

wondering about you.

things will go great, good luck.

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