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Ever since my wife went to a bachelorette party that had male strippers, she enjoys going to male strip clubs with some of her friends from time to time. Is this a fantasy thing, or is this a serious issue?

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Ever since my wife went to a bachelorette party that had male strippers, she enjoys going to male strip clubs with some of her friends from time to time. Is this a fantasy thing, or is this a serious issue?


I know some women who occasionally go to that kind of places to have a laugh, others that laugh at the tacky strippers but enjoy looking at the occasional cute one (they are not really turned on - just eye candy), others that get actually turned on.


I've heard some (true) stories about girls sleeping with male strippers, but it was always very famous strippers doing a show, not average guys working as male strippers in an anonymous regular strip club. So those girls were more like groupies than anything.


Have you tried asking *her* what she likes about those places?


Does it bother you?

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Ask your wife if from now on it is acceptable to her that you and some of your male friends go to some female strip clubs from time to time?

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