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Friends or what??

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There is this guy I like used to work with. He used to hang out with me AND my roommates(a couple) on weekends. We talk on the phone 2-3 times a week depending on how much time each of us has. I've wanted him for awhile. BUT I'm in process of divorce so not going to rush things at all. Plus I want to make sure the feelings for him are geniune and not just because he showed me attention I was lacking or "rebound" or such. And I'm starting to realize its neither of those and just from real affection from our friendship and attraction to him as a person not some "fill" in the spaces in my life. Especially seeing I haven't spent much time with him in last month and feelings are still there where as I'd think they'd go if not.


I've seen him once in the last month and half and I miss him soo much. I have told him so too(in a text message anyway) he made effort to come by but roommate mostly talked to him and we didn't get our "alone" time like in the past we'd stay up till 2 and 3 in morning watching movie and talking.



I don't know how to see if he wants to move things along or "when" I should start the what do you want out of this relationship conversation. He could be waiting for word that my divorce is final or I guess never have been that interested. I just don't feel the second is true because of some things he has said in past. And I know he never had much interest in hanging out with these roommate before I moved here. I guess I will see how things progress now that I'm moving out of their home. I talked to him last night and he said "see you later" so I'm sure I'll still see him.


I just don't know. I try not to call him too often or over do it on text messages(I do them alot becasue I don't want to disturb him as he's usually at work in the hours I can call him) so I limit phone calls. I asked him to a movie once but he didn't have much money and said thanks for the offer but he couldn't make it.

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