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Does it sound like he was interested?

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A few months ago, my company hired a temp who is my age, (25). We worked together casually on a few things, and eventually I developed a life-altering crush on him. Having this crush made me realize a lot of things about my current relationship, and truly question the future in general. I saw the red flags for what they were, and the current boyfriend and I have slowly been trying to work on things.


Anyway, back to the crush. From what I understand, he's in the same sort of situation. He also began to question his current relationship. I got major mixed signals from him, and I know I was sending the same to him. We'd make lingering eye contact, find dumb reasons to talk to one another, constantly run into each other. I'd find a zillion stupid reasons to walk by his desk five times a day, etc. But that's as far as it went. Some days we wouldn't speak at all, and I'd get all weirded out and avoid him.


I could never cheat on anyone, no matter what's going on behind the scenes, and I suspect that he wouldn't either. He's recently moved away to finish his last year of graduate school, but he did leave me his e-mail address "for work purposes." At the time, my current relationship hit a real low and I was considering leaving my boyfriend. So I e-mailed this other guy a few times, for work-related stuff, and got a few casual replies back. A co-worker recently told me that while he's away, he said he needs to figure out if he still wants to be with his current girlfriend when he returns.


Stupid me, I figured since we were going through the same thing, and we seem to apparently find one another attractive, I gave him my MSN contact as an attempt to stay in touch. If nothing else, I do think he's a nice guy who I'd like to get to know better, and I could handle just being friends. I have enough self-control to respect the boundaries of a "just friends" relationship. However, not only has he NOT responded to that e-mail, he hasn't added me to his MSN list.


It's been over two weeks, but who's counting. :) I don't get it? He seemed interested? My intentions aren't totally selfish. Sometimes it helps to talk to others who are going through the same things you are. Meh. I'm so fed up. The logical side of me tells me that I'm wasting my time and to simply forget about it. Either I (a) continue to try and work on things with the current b/f (although friends and family have told me they honestly can't see it lasting) or (b) move on to someone who returns my affections.


I know I sent some mixed signals, but at least I tried to initiate further communication. Any comments? Suggestions? This stuff truly doesn't get easier as you get older! :(

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