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I dont know if this goes here..

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Okay, I seriously do not know if this belongs here...But I need some advice on abad situation... Involving a jealous man.


I have been dating this guy and at first, he was sweet and showered me with attention. I had met him at my sister's which is about an hour south of where I live. So, four times a week I made that trip out there to see him. I thought everything was going good... Then, the more I came down, the longer it would take him to show up... It went from an hour, to four hours. He was worried about me finding someone closer to me and leaving him in the dust but I thought that I had shown him that I was not going to do that with the effort I was making... Not to mention that I had turned down roughly seven guys since we had started dating. Well, I had made a friend who was not in the circle of friends that he hung out with and well.. I was talking with him and my boyfriend flipped out and when I went to tell him that we were just friends, he got abit physical... Nothing major, just grabbing my arm and jerking me towards the car. The guy friend had seen it and he started to approach us.. I did not want a fight to break out and I coaxed my boyfriend into the car and we left... We spent the entire night fighting and when I left, I told him to call me because we needed to get things settled. Also, the condom broke while we were being intimate a few nights before.. There is a slight chance that I could be pregnant. As for the guy friend, I had called him to apologize and we talked, he told me that he wanted to be with me and that he was willing to be there for the child.


What I am worried about is my boyfriend... I am afraid to break it off with him face to face, because if he had no problem grabbing me like that in the middle of the street with people around... What would he do if I broke it off with him? He told me that if I was pregnant, I would never beable to get rid of him... If I am pregnant, I dont want my child be be around someone who is violent, someone who drinks alot.. And he does drink alot. I know this is complicated, but I am trying to keep names out of this. Any advice would help alot. I would call him to break it off, but he does not have a phone.. He calls me from a payphone when he gets a chance... I sort of feel resposible for that because he had a prepaid cell.. But he lost his job because of me... Or so he says.. I went out of state and left my cell phone at home for my mother to keep in contact with my father without worrying about him using all his day time minutes with calling the house phone... I told her that when my boyfriend called to give him my Father's number... He happened to use his boss's cell phone to call my phone and when she gave him the number, he took a paint scrapper and carved it into the man's cement porch. What should I do?:lmao:

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