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i love her


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hi i have a girl frind who is 15 and im 24! ive been with her 1 yea and she didnt want to no her frind be 4 but now evey weekend she is going up her frinds plase to get pissed and thay are boys up there 2 with her and evey time i fhone i can here the boys taking and when i here that it hauts me big time so i done know what she is doing up they but one day i phone her and she reary seem of to me! but then i sarted to play at her own game like evey time she gose out i go out and i fhone her last nit and she was all loveing to me so is that a mined game she play or what ? and i dont no what to do a about it coz i did trust her but she start to lie and i just cant trust her or belive her no more? and i went out down my dads last wesday and i fhoned her up to tell that i love her and she keep diverted my call so i was getting a bit worred about her coz she said she was babysiting her mums m8 kids so i fhoned her mum up and said to her is she baby siting to night. and she said no. so i dont no if she was up to any think or not and i said and when i phoned her up at 9.30pm and that the time she got in so i said do you want to meet to moz and she said no she got to do her paint her room but that nit i went down there she haset done her room1 and that when she ended it with me so i just lift it for 4 day and she fhoned me up and said she has gone back with her ex lover and i said when and she said the next day we stit up and i said to her why did you get back with him! and she said coz i needed to get over me ? so i meet up with her to day and i said to her i wont get back with you coz you went back with you ex lover!!! and she said ok i will tell him that im geting back with you! so any way the day went on and she went back to c her ex lover1 so i text her say we can try and b m8 4 abit to i can start trusting you and belive you a agian and she said that ok! so i was at home thinking to my self that i cant b mates with her all the time she is with him so i went down ther after her ex drop her of and i said to her have you ended it with him yet and she said no coz i sent her that text saying that i cant b mates with all the time she with him so i think to my self now wht dont she want to dump him all the tim we r m8 is it be she want somone to fall back on?????????? so i said to her that we take thing slower next time and she said that ok so can any one tell me what to do to start trusting her coz i worred that she cant say she ended it with but reay she hasnt so i dont no what to do?????????????

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I would reply but I'm not going to take 20 minutes to translate your terrible spelling.

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You already posted this. We all agreed with the responses. But just in case it doesn't make sense here it goes:


1. Lose the jailbait. She could be really sweet and mature but she's still a child and she's growing up. I don't know what all of your issues are b/c I won't put anymore time into deciphering your post but I guarantee that your problem is based in the fact that she's growing up and changing. That's the point of adolescence. Go find someone your own age.


2. Stop writing like a child. Use whole words and complete sentences. To that end, try a paragraph, they do wonders for comprehension.


3. Lose the jailbait. Let her grow up.

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