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"The ex" is what ive called her for a year

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Ok, I met my current b/f at work and we have "known" eatchother for alomost two years. We were dated almost since we first met but I broke up with him after a year because I caught him text messaging a girl he "just worked with" I know he didn't sleep with her or anything but he was talking **** about me, making flirty comments, inviting her out (which he says he was joking) She was just someone he worked with and hade no one els to talk to when "me and him" were argueing ....he said. but anywase I got back with him about a month later but let him know I wouldn't take his **** and how disrespectful it was to me. A month later they were texting eathother just asking how they were doing and stuff and I saw the text so I asked him about it and he was honest that they were texting but he didn't straight up tell me and when I asked to see his replies he deleted them before I could see. Since than he said he would stop becuase he was right I did say I didn't care if they just talked but ok so he stopped and ever since than I don't think they talk anymore. But thats not even what this post is about its about his syco ex in which they have been broken up almost 3 years bu she still texts and calls all the time. 4 months ago I KNOW that stopped..finally after two years of me knowing him. and she was definetly crazy she even sent pictures of her spooning another guy naked! she was bi polar or something one second wanting to help him next freaking out and going crazy saying she had his baby...blah blah blah....she was a virgin when she met him...and he still slept with her when they broke up so it was kinda his fault she kept calling/texting etc. But yesterday he sent me a text she sepossidly sent him which is true but he forwarded to me without telling me and I assumed it sent it to me on mistake and it meant to go to her. so I called him and he said he just wanted to show me that it came out of no where and that he didn't know why cause he hasn't heard from her in a long time. It said "sorry I wrote back" I wish we could have ended things better" so if you need anything" and than it cut off but whatever...hes always told me when she phones or texts........should I care anymore?

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I caught him text messaging a girl he "just worked with" I know he didn't sleep with her or anything but he was talking **** about me, making flirty comments, inviting her out (which he says he was joking)


even if he wasn't sleeping with her, which i would bet he was, he was at least trying to. that's what people do when they want to cheat...they make their relationship look like a joke to someone else and act like it's going to end anyway, and they do this to get the other person to fool around.



I got back with him about a month later but let him know I wouldn't take his **** and how disrespectful it was to me.



okay, so you let him know by telling him. then you showed him the exact opposite of that of that by closing your eyes to obvious red flags and letting him get away with everything he does.


lose the loser.

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I totally agree with you. But I have to admit we were not serious at the time and I guess I left some things out.....I was with him and my old boyfriend at the same time (but he knew) and he probabaly thaught as me of a joke.....thigns have changed so much. We are actually together now I never even use to see him. We were kinda just screwing around. But have both left everything els behind and started new

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