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So this guy tried to pick me up on the street today..


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Ah but if I wait for someone that truly interests me I will have a date once in every blue moon. It takes a lot for me to get truly interested in someone. I feel like I'm perhaps being too picky and time is passing me by. Also the guys I would be interested in are either taken, gay or just not that into me. I feel like its either being alone or taking a best pick of what's on offer.

..but at the same time it shouldn't be a hassle or a drag - you did say you hate dating. It should be fun or at least something to look forward to. So maybe don't go out with someone if it's going to be something you "hate." Also, as far as superficial conversation, try this - before a date dedicate 1/2 hour before the date and read a good paper (NYT, etc) and get some conversation ideas from some of the current stories (it may be wise to avoid politics and religion). Your conversation hopefully won't be superficial...

As for dating being a numbers game - roughly that means that the more you date, the better chances of "winning" you'll have. That may be true, but people & relationships aren't lottery tickets. I believe in quality, not quantity...

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It takes a lot for me to get truly interested in someone. I feel like I'm perhaps being too picky and time is passing me by. Also the guys I would be interested in are either taken, gay or just not that into me.

Oh, yes.


I can accurately say, I'm in the same boat -except the man that is supposedly made for me, I know is either not on this planet, gay or -this one I believe in the most -Dead.


I believe, you did all the right maneuvers. At least you are trying to put the best picture of yourself -with good impression and all.


Good Luck.



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And after all that the guy didn't end up calling. I'm actually not dissapointed, all I feel is releif. I hate dating, making superficial conversation etc, let alone having to worry about my safety on the top of that.


So this just happened yesterday, and he didn't call today, so you're convinced that he's never going to call? I'd give it 2-3 days at least, or even a week before I would be convinced he's never going to call.

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Nah, he won't call. He specifically said he will call yesterday and we will go out last night. I'm so dissapointed at myself at how releived I feel. Shouldn't I be at least a bit upset that he didn't call? It's like now I have a perfect excuse for not going out with him, I didn't have a choice (as opposed to me rejecting him and later wondering if I made a mistake and have been too picky once again).


In the past few years, I have been switiching between dating being a numbers game (meaning I accept almost every date that comes my way) and holding out for someone I will REALLY be interested in. Neither has worked so far.


The only man I truly want and have wanted for the last 6-8 months is someone I work with and he is married, so I can't have him. Still as pathetic as that sounds seeing him at work and talking to him is a highlight of my life.

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