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its a mystery to me

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recap: there is a boy in my class in college who seemed to take an interest in me in the beginning of classes. He introduced himself to me, and we talked to and from class (he asked most of the questions: where am i living, what my major is, what instrument i play, etc.). Since then, three weeks passed and while we would make eye contact, we never talked again. Then, monday, we had class. He got there first, and I sat down next to him. He again started conversation with me, asking me if we had a test (we obviously did), what it was on, and if I knew any good tricks (i did, and told them to him). He smiled the entire time and we were joking around. We talked up until the test... he asked me where I'm from and when I told him, he got interested and we talked about mutual friends that we have from home, etc. I asked him how his weekend was, and he told me about what he did, which led to different topics, etc. The conversation seemed to flow really naturally. The whole time we were taking the test, I got the feeling he was glancing at me. He finished first and while I was still working, he definitely kept glancing at me. After i finished, he looks at me and does the thumbs up/ down thing with a grin on his face, nodding in agreement when I answered. He left early, and as he got up, he whispers to me, "I got to go, but I'll see you next class."


Sure enough, yesterday, as I approach the building he's standing outside with a group of friends. He doesn't say anything but seems to be watching me as I walk by with a smile. In class, he sits next to me when there were PLENTY of open seats. There was a bee crawling on the floor that I wasn't aware of until he leans over to me and says, "Watch your toes." I go, "Thanks, thats actually terrifying." He laughs and soon after goes, "does anyone have an objection to me stepping on it?" He looks at me and says "do you want to..." with a grin. I respond, "no, its all you" and he laughs and gets up (next to my desk) and steps on the bee, staying a little longer than probably necessary. I smile and say thanks. The rest of class, he sits sideways in his desk facing me (I was on his right) while looking at the front of the room. At the end of class, I left through a different door, but we crossed paths in the hallway (We were going different directions.) As I approached where he was, he smiles widely and waves.


WHATS HIS DEAL? Is there interest? Does he seem to like me? I'm so bad at reading signals, please help!


Thanks :-)

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