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What to believe?

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My g/f and I have been together for only about 2 months now. She stays over my house a lot and I notice that she is ALWAYS on the computer. She seems to be always sending instant messages, emails, myspace messages, etc. I started to worry about what could be going on. I managed to get the password to her email. I found an email where she and one of her ex's had been conversing. In the email, she gave the ex the her new phone number and told him that he could pretty much call her whenever he wanted.


I also found another email from the ex that she was with right before we got together....The email was dated about a month ago, but it stated that she missed the guy, loved the guy, and wanted to see him but she was going through some things that's why she had not be in touch with him. When I confronted her about this she was very upset that I had went through her email. (It may have been wrong, but might I add that she has the password to my email and she would never find anything questionable or similar to what I found in hers) Anyway, she went on to tell me that she and the first ex were just attempting to be friends. Her explanation for the other email was that she left the second ex for me and she didnt want to hurt his feelings by telling him the truth so she let him down easy. Both of the explanations seem pretty valid, but I still have my doubts. Any advice?

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She is putting her ex's as a higher priority than you. If the roles were reversed, do you think she would accept this behavior from you? I think she is feeding you a line of bull. She wants to maintain contact with them behind your back. This is really a big red flag. She clearly has no problem lying to people. It is always a bad idea for people to remain friends with their ex-lovers. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

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red flags indeed...on both sides...first...you gave her yer password...she didn't...you invaded her privacy...huge no no..doesn't matter what you were thinking...you talk with her about it...

second...if she is on the computer all the time...why are u sitting there doing nothing...take her out to a club or something...her sitting there is telling u something....

however, sounds like the party is over....this person is all over the map and sounds totally confused as to what the heck she wants or is doing...and you 'confronting' her...meaning there is hostile in place...so, i would suggest, you tell her to take her computer...out fo your house, with the rest of her things...and when she is capable of being in a real relationship - then she will not do that...and, you can be pretty sure it wouldn't be with you because she already 'tried' that and neither of u passed the audition...consider yerself lucky that there are no kids involved...let her go do her thing...and you take courses of personal boundaries...and start hanging out at a chickitas place instead of offering up yer abode...shift the focus man

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