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How long to wait when a guys says he'll call/email you?


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Ok, so for the past year, I have been getting to know a co-worker of mine who I am extremely attracted to. We email each other and talk a lot. I feel the same vibes from him as well. We have really good chemistry with one another. He looks into my eyes when he talks to me. It sends shivers down my spine in a good way. I enjoy his company and he enjoys mine - or so his body language and eye contact seem to tell me so.


So my question is this: Two weeks ago we had planned to go out for a night. Unfortunately the night he wanted to go out with me I had to work. So, he said that we would have to discuss this in a couple of weeks because he is going on a business trip to Chicago. He said that he would email me when he gets back. Now, usually I am the one to initiate the emails to him then he usually always responds back. He has only intitated an email to me once a while ago and that was because I was out of town for a month and he hadn't heard from me and wanted to see how things were with me.


So, it's been more than a week now and I still haven't heard from him (no email yet). Do I wait for him to email me??? How long before I should just forget about it??? Do I email him and ask if he's back yet??? I was going to ask him if he would be attending our monthly employee meeting next week because I would've attended it with him. He also has my cell phone number - which today I did recieve a call from an "anonymous" caller... don't know if it was him. He's never called before.


I do think of him a lot... and would love to hear from him. Do you think he's not that interested? Because the signals he gives are a strong pointer to him being very interested. We work in different departments so I would'nt really know if he was back yet or not.


Should I just forget about it? Is he playing games? Sorry for all th questions... I just need advice so that I don't look desperate... help!

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sounds like you are sleeping together....... yes?



i would say he is "just not that into you".......except for sex.



...... Next!

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sounds weird...you both go from constant communication...to a sudden stop...and when a 'date' gets cancelled he says you and he will have to 'discuss' it [another date i am assuming] at another time?

is it just me? that sounds weird to me.

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sounds weird...you both go from constant communication...to a sudden stop...and when a 'date' gets cancelled he says you and he will have to 'discuss' it [another date i am assuming] at another time?

is it just me? that sounds weird to me.


Discuss? Yeah sounds weird to me. In my experience...whenever a guy talks about dates in a weird way...It's usually a bad thing. I had a guy once call our date a "meeting". Turns out he was fooling around with another girl in our class.


But hey maybe this guy is different. He said that he was going to email you...so let him do that. That way you can see if he's good at keeping his word and you don't look desperate.

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sounds like you are sleeping together....... yes?



i would say he is "just not that into you".......except for sex.



...... Next!


Where did that come from lRB? I went thru the OP's post twice and nowhere did I get the feeling that she was already sleeping with him. Sounds like they haven't even kissed yet.


OP, call him once more, and let him know with no uncertainty that you like to grab a coffee or something with him, and if he doesn't respond, you should move on.

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Do not call him, email him or anything else. Wait for him to get in contact with you. If he doesn't and you see him at the employee meeting be cheerful but busy with other people. He definitely knows you like him but the ball is in his court and if he doesn't act he's not that into you. He may want to have sex with you but may not want it to get more serious than that especially since you two work together. It is always a messy deal when you get romantically involved with co-workers. I would try to date people who were separate from my job.

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