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She keeps calling....


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She broke up with me I have told her time and time again I want to be left alone. She has a bf but yet she has called me 5 times today I refuse to answer. I just do not get it. Should I just get my number changed and why would someone who broke up with someone try to contact them relentlessly even after they have been told to stop.

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dr strangelove

Sounds confused


Ya ive.. never dealt with that one so..


All I can say is if they keep calling you theres a chance you can get them back.


Dont answer and see if she takes it up a notch by trying to see you in person.


The only thing I dealt with that was similar was.. my current ex.. which really isnt so current thinking about it.. but the one I always "discuss or make reference to"

Did this thing where she said she had met someone when were still seeing each other and my response was to wish her luck.. she kept wanting to see me and eventually the "guy" disappeared or was lost at sea something like that

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Threatening her to tell her bf should work.


Only if inde4544 knows the other guy's details....


If she keeps contacting you, it means that she is very confused and do not really know what she wants. Keep away from her even more and do not enter into any contact with her.... After a while, you can start talking to her in a cool manner.... Take it from there.


She might be realising she is missing you, and that she is making a mistake. De Strangelove advice is good.... Wish her good luck with her new boyfriend....

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Did this thing where she said she had met someone when were still seeing each other and my response was to wish her luck.. she kept wanting to see me and eventually the "guy" disappeared or was lost at sea something like that


Dr, did you get back with your ex?

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If you can...get your number changed.

5 times in one day is too much.


But yeah like everyone else said she is probably confused about things. Or maybe she wants you to boost her ego.

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yeah I made the mistake of trying to call her back. The weirdo ignored my calls. Now I feel like crap haha. I might as well just bang my head against the wall. This girl is driving me crazy haha.

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  • 2 weeks later...

my ex just changed her number without telling me. when I call her old number i just get answer phone. called three times in one day and left msgs. don't know what to do . making a fool of myself? funny thing is i never use to call but now she has changed im feeling upset

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inde i know how that goes. it totally sucks...i didnt talk to my ex for like 5 months or so and she started callin me a bunch, and left a message crying about how she wanted to talk to me real bad. i didnt call for a while, then bam, i pulled your move. i called her back. she was leading me on, or wanted to get back with me or something. i just stopped picking up the phone because it was too much drama and **** i didnt want to worry about...well the girl is a piece of **** human.


here is a good move you should do that i love to do over and over. when she calls just pick up and hang up. dont say a word. she wont be able to leave a message that way and it will piss her off as well. dont give her what she wants, be a dick. nice guys finish last. **** her.

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Whatever the reson for her actions they are without doubt a sign of confusion born out of emotional immaturity. She is not unique and neither are your experiences. The net result however is abusive and will leave you or any other victim in situations like this completely confused and unable to move on. But moving on is what you must do if you are to heal and keep your sanity so, as the others suggest I feel that you should make it impossible for this confused little child to get to you and then just disapear.


You know your value. Set clear solid boundaries and defend yourself.

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I actually went no contact with her and am starting to feel as good as I did 2 years ago before I met her. She literally drained me and I am surprised how good I feel after all of this. No contact has definitely been clutch. I have been trying to talk to as many girls as possible---not to try to get any or even date just to keep a positive outlook on females after everything the ex pulled. I do not want her back and do not see any reason to talk to her again. The people on this board have been a great help and I thank everyone. Here's to no contact haha. My advice just remember throughout the breakup and the hard times who the most important person is and that is yourself. If he/she does not want to be with you oh well we will all find better someday. You just need to go out and live and have fun because who wants to be w/ someone who is unhappy.

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This hot cold thing that she is about is ambient abuse and you must not tolerate it.


Looking back, what sort of odd things did she do when you were together that were definite red flags? Think about it carefully. How tolerant were you of her "odd" behaviour? For example was she a sulker? What odd things did she say eg. I bet he is a good shag! Stuff that just made you think was odd.


If your self esteem is low, which I believe it is because you are trying to rebuild your faith in women then it may be that you have been damaged by her abusive nature.


Regardless of what the resaons are do not get into a dance with her where you just dont know where you stand. Silence is the most powerful weapon you have and it will be deafening to her. You must keep it going!

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InvisibleTouch-- Thanks again for your responses. Yeah I do not have low self esteem but she definitely did shake my confidence so I guess I am trying to build that back up. I will never look back now and I thank you guys for enlightening me. I mean looking back I can see the red flags I was just sucked in by the emotional attachment. I cannot wait for the day when I can look back at all this, smile and think man what was I thinking haha. Well anyways thank you and good night.

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