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Im in A FWB relationship

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I've known this girl i since March 06, I had no idea that she had feelings for me until we when out on our first date. She wanted a kiss from me, but i gave her a kiss on the cheek because i didn't want a relationship, and i want to remain single. Then one day she asked me to be Friends with Benefits, i was cool with it. Within two months she said she was "in love" with me "im the one" "you're my soulmate" her feelings are involved. It shocked me because in so little time she feels that way about me. She's pressured me to have sex with her, but i want to wait until im married. and she always tell me, "I wanna have sex but you're too scared, you're chicken."

She's lied to me about how many guys she had sex with without me knowing in the beggining. I found out that she had sex twice with two people without protection, therefore she could have HIV. Now everytime i tell her im with one of my female friends, she gets jealous and asking me how much money im bringing with me, where we going, telling me not to kiss or touch them, save my money for her. Its getting out of hand, Can someone give me some advise on what i should do in this situation?

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Yes, I have some advice. Stop being FWB with her, and you may have to stop being friends with her too. Don't call her, don't answer her calls, and, most importantly, stop the benefits! Tell her that you do not want a relationship with her and that she cannot tell you what to do and who to see.

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Its getting out of hand, Can someone give me some advise on what i should do in this situation?


Seriously, if you break up with her, will she hunt you down?


buddy of mine had a girl whom he just couldn't break up with. Once he had to bunk in with another friend after he broke up with her over the phone. She went ballistic and was a total mess and he had to take her back. He had to do the same breakup routine like ten times before she finally let him go.


Sounds like she's totally into you and it's gonna be tough breaking up with her.

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Seriously, if you break up with her, will she hunt you down?


buddy of mine had a girl whom he just couldn't break up with. Once he had to bunk in with another friend after he broke up with her over the phone. She went ballistic and was a total mess and he had to take her back. He had to do the same breakup routine like ten times before she finally let him go.


Sounds like she's totally into you and it's gonna be tough breaking up with her.



I agree. We go to the same school together so that makes it hard not to see her. she tells me i can't live without you, if i walk out of her life, she said she will kill herself, she wont see any reason to live, at the same time if she does kill herself, i dont feel responsible for it, its not my problem

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