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Wut is goin on!?!?

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This is going to be a bit of long story:


So I worked with this girl (let's call her A) during summer times, haven't really gotten to know her until last summer. The reason is she was in this long term serious relationship with her bf till april 2005, where they broke up because he hurt her pretty bad....


Then over summer 2005, we got to know each other more,talk alot over msn,we would go play tennis and we went to watch a tennis tournament. I would consider this our first outing together, altho we always did other things in group. I have always had a thing for her, but it was during this tennis tournament that I hinted that I was interested...She said she wasn't really ready. One of the main factors that made me backed off a bit, was one my friend (female) was talking to this girl and told her that me and A would make a good couple, then A told her never...:o


Anyways... summer went by, i haven't really pulled any moves on A...but we still hang out. Then near christmas holidays, she was always busy with work so didn't really hang out... but I was surprised when she called me in early january explaining that she was busy but now free, asking if I wanted to go to the movies with her...again just movie, nothing happened(because i never really saw clear signs of interest from her and after what she told my other friend i am a bit skeptical) so I let things go...I was busy over the winter with school so we barely contacted each other and my feelings for her died a bit, she did occasionally ask me to go ski and movies, but i was just too busy. Altho I did ask her to go skating with me, but she backed out on the day of, saying she didn't feel like it...


Now comes 2006, Summer, we worked again at the same place, and she would call me for tennis and other stuff. I still had feelings for her so we hang out... Over the summer, we went to see a few movies just the two of us... And then, i don't know how i should see these things as... during summer she went away on a trip for 2 weeks, and when she got back, the next day, she was home alone, bored i guess, and called me and asked if i wanted to do something...so we hanged out again, diner, movie, and coffee afterwards, but the talks are aways about our life, work, school...


The thing about her is, for some things she can make a decision right away, and for others, she's always uncertain... like i asked if she wanted to go watch a hockey game. She replies, if you ask me tonite, then it's a no but you can ask me later...she told me she can't make decisions..


I am so confused about this situation... has she put me in the friendzone yet? or is she waiting for me to do something??? Wut is goin on!??!:confused:

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Any comments or advice will be much appreciated... thank you:rolleyes:

A sarcastic thank you isn't going to get you many responses, but I'll try.


April 2005 - October 2006


You'd have known by now if she was interested in you. Move on.

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Yes it sounds like you are in the friend category. I suggest you let her know how you feel and see if she feels the same way. If you are too shy to do that,you can always try to hold her hand when you're out and see how that goes. If she's comfortable with hand holding then kiss her. If she isn't comfortable with any of this she just wants to be your friend.

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