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no, that would be romantic!

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Got back from holiday after 2 weeks and immediately went out for dinner with Brad (has become my best male friend after 4 years). I had only called him once ir twice over that time. When we sat down at the restaurant he was acting nervous and weird. When it came to dessert we were already full so i suggested we share a banana split. he goes Oh NO, that would be romantic! (and i was thinking no that will mean i won't puke from too much food). I said no , we'll make it very business like and just divide it up. Anyway after that he's touching me when we were walking down the street (he NEVER touches me). Thing is i liked him a year ago (i always fall for my male friends and have posted on here about others) and he was adamant he had no feelings for me and so we just stayed friends (somehow). So it has been difficult for me and now what is he testing the old waters? or as usual am i reading too much into things?

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If a guy tells you he just wants to be friends You should believe him.

There are plenty of male friends that would love to jump their female friends bones but this guy is not one of them.

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