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I need to force a decision from a girl

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I have been told that the best way to make a female make up her mind about dating you is to basically move on and allow her to see you investing your time in someone else. Is this very effective and will it turn her around and possibly make her chase me?

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u mean, after a break up?


and i think the use of the word 'forced' is unhealthy...u don't want to 'force' anyone....


as for games, never play them because they warp peoples mind and they will play them forever instead of just enjoying the relationship


i have a post i would like to add


a friend told me that today was a day that he discovered that he still missed his first real love


he was pretty happy about it..he told me he llearned that no matter how hard he had tried to get over his first love, something always reminds him of her so its just not possible...


Yup TRUE Love is a hard thing to handle and true love is a hard thing to replace and get over.... some days you think that its gone those feelings and then poof out of no where it all comes flooding back..


It can be great or suck like hell.... anyhoo, my friend said that happened to him today.. he ran into his first real true love, they had been together 4 years, never engaged, but shared a home, planned to get married, buy a house together, it was perfect, no money issues, great families and friends....but somewhere along the way, his gf decided to just up and leave him, and they hadn't seen each other for a long time, not one word from her to him,


so when he saw her today he said he didn't know how to react - like seeing someone from your past that had died or moved to another country again..but he was glad to see her he said.. anyways, supposedly she told my friend, he didn't ask, that she is now happily married to the man she cheated on him with and she had four of his children with her..my friend said he was shocked at her lack of feelings regarding this...he doesn't see her for years, and then suddenly, she appears all happily married..well he started to leave and she grabbed him and tried to hug him, and he pulled away. and she looked at him right in the eyes and said to him softly, " it shouldve been you...you still own my heart" and he said back, 'no i don't you gave that to the man you left me for and married." and they both smiled and said at the same time 'yup' - and they high fived..and went their separate ways, yet again

ahhhhhhhhh true love

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It is possible depending on the situation but no guarantee. It only works if you possess/create value/worth in the girl's eyes. Of course trying to get a stranger to be jealous of you would prove difficult because she doesnt know you.



The girl only wants to be friends with you, nothing more...go out and date others and be less available, sure fire way to escape the friends zone


Dating multiple women while trying to get exclusivity from one..

Date multiple women until she says she wants to be exclusive, it's another way of tying a chain around you, but if she brings it up then it worked.

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