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Cheating Survey Need Volunteers

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There are too many variables to consider to even determine an accurate result, but it would appear that's it's a nearly even problem with both genders if you use these results.


Of course, gender doesn't exclude anyone or make anyone incapable. No matter what the numbers of the survey would show, anyone gender is capable and nowadays, it's the cool thing for a lady to not be such a lady. :o


They have unisex player cards... they come in pink and blue. ;)

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Actually I counted Male Cheaters = 11, Female Cheaters = 8


but anyways, I was a little surprised cuz I thought it would be the other way around. There just seems to be so many posts on LS of female cheating.


look, y'all, these results are not surprising. lots of people cheat, and if you've been around LS long enough you'll see that those posts come in waves: sometimes a guy will post about his cheating wife/gf and a bunch of guys will jump on and say "me too". and sometimes a woman will post about her cheating husband/bf and the same thing happens.


it's not going to tell you anything about the real world - all that you can take from it are the following points:


1. lots of people cheat, for lots of reasons

2. it happens to both genders

3. both genders often ignore that fact, because when they come here in pain, they will naturally pick up on the posters' experiences that are most similar to theirs.


it's a natural filtering effect. most likely, if your wife has cheated, you will spend lots of time reading posts by guys whose wives/gfs have cheated - or you will focus on those and have the strongest emotional reaction to those. they may therefore assume a larger significance or greater resonance than other posts that, for example, talk about cheating husbands or no-good boyfriends.


i can understand why people view it this way - it helps to know it's not just you, it helps to hear others' experiences and to work through them. but it also has the unfortunate effect of confirming a "truism" that has nothing to do with the truth.


LS has a pretty good mix of men and women, which is one of its greatest strengths. but if you go to another site where the demographics are less evenly split (i.e. where there are more men than women posting, or vice versa), you can "confirm" your suspicions that more women cheat, sure. but how does that help you move forward? all it does is make you bitter about the other gender for no good reason.


at some point, to really heal, i hope people will start to move past the knee-jerk gender wars.

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look, y'all, these results are not surprising. lots of people cheat, and if you've been around LS long enough you'll see that those posts come in waves: sometimes a guy will post about his cheating wife/gf and a bunch of guys will jump on and say "me too". and sometimes a woman will post about her cheating husband/bf and the same thing happens.


it's not going to tell you anything about the real world - all that you can take from it are the following points:


1. lots of people cheat, for lots of reasons

2. it happens to both genders

3. both genders often ignore that fact, because when they come here in pain, they will naturally pick up on the posters' experiences that are most similar to theirs.


it's a natural filtering effect. most likely, if your wife has cheated, you will spend lots of time reading posts by guys whose wives/gfs have cheated - or you will focus on those and have the strongest emotional reaction to those. they may therefore assume a larger significance or greater resonance than other posts that, for example, talk about cheating husbands or no-good boyfriends.


i can understand why people view it this way - it helps to know it's not just you, it helps to hear others' experiences and to work through them. but it also has the unfortunate effect of confirming a "truism" that has nothing to do with the truth.


LS has a pretty good mix of men and women, which is one of its greatest strengths. but if you go to another site where the demographics are less evenly split (i.e. where there are more men than women posting, or vice versa), you can "confirm" your suspicions that more women cheat, sure. but how does that help you move forward? all it does is make you bitter about the other gender for no good reason.


at some point, to really heal, i hope people will start to move past the knee-jerk gender wars.




Great post

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at some point, to really heal, i hope people will start to move past the knee-jerk gender wars.


Isn't that what LS is about? Us against them, them vs. us? :p

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