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Should i Tell my girlfriend the truth?

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Hey everyone i am new to this thing and i have a big problem i need some advice. Long Story!! I have been with my girlfriend for 2 years now i love her alot she's a great person, she helps me raise and take care of my 3 year old daughter who i have with someone else and which i have full custody of her, and she has dealt with the baby mama **** alot, The thing is she had been talking about getting married and having a family.


I really love this girl but i cant marry her because i feel guilty in the beginning of our relationship i cheated on her with my daughters mother 3 times, in which my kid's mother ended up telling her and she freaked, i keep trying to convience her it is a lie but she aint stupid she knows im the one lying. I hide alot of things from my girl, and now that she knows she is so mean to me when it come down to talking to my kids mother she wants to know everything she gets mad when i talk to her.


She is driving me nuts. When she asked about the marriage thing i told her when i get the money for the ring i will buy it, now my girlfriend knows i have the money for the ring because i sold my truck so i brought up the ring before she did and she said no save your money i dont want to marry you anymore, it hurt my feeling needless to say. I dont know why i am so afraid to be committed to this girl i had no problem proposing to my kids mother so what is my problem with her. Please help. Thank you

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If you love her then you owe her the truth. Let her know why you won't marry her, that way she can either help you move on (though if you have kept lying to her I think that was wrong of you and she would be a fool to ever really trust you again) or she can find someone that won't cheat and lie to her

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while this may be "annoying" and "frustrating" for you everytime your gf asks what your babys mama talks to you about, she knows you cheated on her with your ex and that is going to last a lifetime. she is never going to be completely fine with you talking to your ex even if its about your child, and she has that right. in my opinion, you should tell the gf everything you lied about, let her slam the door and leave you, and either


A. date someone else or


B. continue to mess around with your ex because theres obviously something still there if you can't manage to stay monogomous with your present gf.

and ps

if you choose A, don't mess up again.

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Are you sure you truly love her? I can't see why anyone wouldn't want to spend their lives with the person they love in a committed relationship. She deserves to know the truth though b/c you are holding her back from having her dreams come true. Yes it will hurt her but sounds like she may just wait around for you forever and doesn't sound like you want it at all. If you love her at all tell her the truth and let her decide what is right for her.

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:( I think you are completely wrong for not telling her the truth. Im not too sure you tuely love this girl.

I think if you tell her now and maybe things can work out fine, but otherwise really?? You don't deserve her at all?

Im my world you are "partners" and are "untouchable"

Lying is the worst thing to do to someone, and I don't think she will ever really trust you again.exspcially because she is going to have to deal with your ex....forever.......

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