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do i expect too much?

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my current girlfriend and i both came out of our previous relationships around the same time


my trust was broken hence y i ended it, whereas my current gf broke up with her bf cos he was a fool (nice word for him) but he accussed her of cheating...i grew really ckose to this girl and we both had feelings for each toher and i knew what i was feeling was not rebound and she assurred me it was the same


when we got together i was told by others that she had hooked up with the guy who she was accussed to be cheating with....so i asked her without saying she did it and she told me that he came onto her and she pushed him off and didnt tell me because she was embarassed and did not want to risk us.


she told this guy several times friends or nothing...he now has a gf and they are not talking as she thinks hes a pycho but b4 this she happened to be driving around and met up with a group and he was there, then this group left so she had to take him home. then another time she went to a friends house and he was there the friend and went to bed and she says to me that she left because she didnt want to be around him.


her ex and his friends go around calling her a slut to everyone and everytime she is seen with another guy i get messages saying i just saw her cheating on u...i dont know what to take as truth and lies but this far i have taken her word because i have never felt so deeply for someone


this weekend she is going to a party which i cannot make she wants to drink and stay the night it is someone who awhile back she would have had a relationship with...i guess i worry because of how attractive she is and when we walk downtown there are guys staring at her (this doesnt bother me except when those people have a history with her) i want to trust her but sometimes ill call her and she will be out driving with a friend or doing other things and i dont even know what shes up to


am i trying to be too controlling? i dont mind she does it, it would just be nice to know so i dont get these messages...do i expect too much??


would she cheat on me? or do you think she already has?


how can i overcome these issues because i dont want to lose her because our time together is unimaginable it is like we are in our own world.


i never thought i could feel this way

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First off, how long have you guys been dating?

I cannot tell you whether or not she is cheating on you, but have you told her about the messages you have been receiving? and who are you receiving them from? It sounds like you need to get out of this little group who keeps gossiping because its going to drive you nuts. She could very well be cheating and they could be looking out for you, but it doesn't really sound like that. It sounds like they are trying to make her life miserable. If your time spent together is so unimaginable I don't think she would be cheating on you, just as long as she feels the same. Cheating can occur for many reasons but I think its mainly about feeling lonely. Sometimes people cheat because they think they are being cheated on. Theres more threads on that obviously and I could be totally wrong, but I guess.. just try not to let this get in your way of your amazing time spent with her. Its okay to get a little jealous, everyone does, at least everyone human, just don't let it control you. Let her go out and have her fun and trust her. If something happens and it bothers you, let her know if you haven't already done so and see what she says. Sometimes you can find clues or feel out a situation if she truly is cheating on you. Best of luck

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