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rumors........not good

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there r rumors goin around my skool that the girl i like n i r goin out:mad: . we only "went out" once, but it felt like we were saying "i like u" @ the end w an intresting feeling hug :love: . neway, so i'm tryin 2 find out who started this rumor n also hope that this rumor doesn't come 2 the girl i like n then i have 2 tell her i like her in a bad condition.:( what should i do?????:confused: i need tips ASAP!

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First, learn to spell and write English correctly. It's a skill that will take you far in life, trust me. :rolleyes:


Then, instead of worrying about rumors, take control of the situation. Ask your girl out on a date, and tell her you like her under "good conditions". Then you won't have to worry about who says what to whom.

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