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All right, so here is the deal.


I've always been a jealous person. With my current girlfriend i went through a period of time of just being unable to trust her and obviously it was really bad on the relationship. It made me uneasy when she talked to guys and ect. Fact is, i've gotten alot better at it. I just told her let me meet a couple of them, see they aren't bad guys, ect. And next thing you knew i was fine.


But here is the catch. She is at school, and the thing is, i dont give my number out to other girls. Out of respect, unless it is school related. She will give her number out to guys that she meets and hangs out with a few times along with other friends and consider it all right. I consider it to be f***cked up and disrespectful. On top of that it just makes me uncomfortable because I think that is something you shouldn't do when you are seriously involved with someone. Am i wrong to think this do i need to ease up?


As a rule of thumb I always think of my actions and whether i would like the other person doing it. I dont think she would like it if i did the same thing. Just my thoughts. Yours?

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you are correct.

there was a time when i was giving out my number to new guy friends i had met at a friends house. i was dating the same guy i am now. that was last year. i stopped because i realized, although to me it was harmless, to him it was seen as a potential threat and i knew i wouldn't want my bf giving his number out to a bunch of girls that i don't know. i don't know which ones he thinks is hot, which ones are hook ups, or if theyre all just friends. i don't know these things so its best to just play it safe and knock it off. she doesn't need all these guy friends in her life, she needs you to trust her. so let her know you don't like it and reverse the situation and see if she would like it.

if she cares for you she will stop at least a little bit. but understand, to her, as it was for me at first, i didn't understand as well because i convinced myself "these guys are just friends, thats it!" but my bf later told me they could be interested and thats another reason you shouldn't give out your phone number to a bunch of people..

hope that helped.

i kind of went in different directions, sorry lol

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You tend to subscribe to the theory that if you're in a serious relationship, you should limit your interactions with people of the opposite sex. It's definately pretty extreme but you're entitled to have your own beliefs. The question is, whether your girlfriend has the same beliefs as you. If she doesn't, you can't force her to be the same as you. It'll be better to find another girl who has the same beliefs as you than to try to change the girlfriend you have now.



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i have to agree with the peeps here. talk to your girl about how you feel and give examples. put the emotions on her. if she cares enough about the relationship and you, then she'll stop it. if not, then like the person above said, rather find u a new girl then try to change her. it's hard, but u rather do it now than later.

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Okay..so listen... Take this from a girl who just broke up with her boyfriend because of the same situation....1-You love her more than she loves you 2-You're wrong in always being jealous. It's horrible. It might be the reason why she's being so distant. Nobayd likes someone following them and watching their every mouve. She should be free to do what she wants and she's showing you that you have no power over her by giving out her number to other people. 3-Relax. You obviously know that you aren't meant for each other because you obviously don't have the same view relationship wise. Why don't you play the cool one? Maybe she'll realize you can be mature about all this and not need to watch her every move. (When I say watch I directly mean you knowing that she's giving her number away...) 4- If you're not happy why are you with this girl? There are many different girls out there!

Good luck!

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