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do you think she like me?

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sorry for long message, just i needed to explain all the details, ive tried to shorten it best i can =P


i like girl at college, i have for like a year now, we are in the same class.

Other girls in my class dont really speak to me.. however this girl speaks to me alot and i get atleast a hi at the minimum every day and a hours worth of convo on thurs usually as were both free at same time.


She never really spoke to me last year but this year she has been around me more, whenever i alone she has started to sit in free rooms with me, like for e.g im doing extra work in 1 of 4 art rooms she will suddenly join me instead of hanging with her own mates.


when we are alone we speak without stopping but when others are around she is quiet and i am too.

(makes it seem like were both hiding from the rest of class that we like eachother).


it started when i was hangin with some girl mates and she kept looking over. but i didnt look back her way when i should of (how stupid i am) because i find it hard to look at her because shes incredibly pretty, wey too good for me.


and then it continued in class, we sit opposite sometimes, she looks at me and if shes with her back to me she looks in the mirror. this may be coincidence but im not sure.


eventually the first time came where i got in college early and she did too, coincidence? maybe.. we both got in 20 mins early and we just sat in the room nervously quiet together. the situation re-occured alot and she was always there when i was there. she always comes to class alone most of the time. This is not every day but is most days. i also stay in class at dinners n breaks etc to do extra work and she does too all of a sudden.


one time came when were alone and she said she hated being small as shes 5,3.. and she told me she had trouble getting into clubs in town.. i said its really nice n cute shes short.


I also said she could probably get into a club with a 18 yearr old guy as the bouncers usually allow couples in (shes 17 btw).

she then she said like "i will have to find a guy then wont I?" and she kinda giggled.


Our convos went well, when she brought up going to clubs in town it made me think she was hinting she wanted me to take her out as im 18.

But i wasnt sure as im not used to girls flirting with me.


another time we spent dinner time together, she told me she likes my work,i said i liked hers too =] she also said she hates sitting in the cafe/cantine as its noisey and likes being in the class room at dinner with me because its quiet (her friends are usually in the cafe/cantine tho).


she brought up going to a club in town again the next week after, she said to me she is going to this weekly club party thing in town in 2 weeks time, why 2 weeks im not sure. however when the date came she never went in the end. and since the monday of that same week she has seemed less interested (yep it may be my fault).


someone said it might be a certain amount of time she gave me to ask her out.. i gathered.. she needed a guy to get in to this club, in 2 weeks time, and needed a guy to go with, none of her friends have really mentioned to her that they are going so it makes it seem like she wants to go but cant go because they wont.


she also asked me who i go with to the club and how often i go, she says the party is fun (this means shes gone before) yet she says she cant get in because she says she doesnt have the confidence or anyone to go with.


she also trusted me enough to leave her bag with me and asked me to look after her work one time, i guess ive given a good impression already


she then said she wished her sister was older so she could go out places more.. she said she wanted to go shopping and do things like that but no one would go with her, eventually she brought up clubbing AGAIN and i thought she may have used shopping with someone as a lead in sentence to going out to the club.


when she brought it up thing up again i said "i'll take you if you want" and she sorta said "o god no i shouldnt" or something like that.. but it wasnt a negative answer.. she still seemed to like speaking to me even after that so i dont know. we spoke for like 20 mins after it and she didnt leave. i guess all i can do is ask her out straight.


she said her sister is much better looking than her (she showed me a pic of her sister on her mobile phone and i stood very close to her) and said she thinks she isnt that nice and that shes abit fat so i said "no your way better looking than your sister, your very good looking and your not fat". so thats one step forward i guess.


she also complimented my hair saying it looks nicer shorter, and most guys have treated her bad in relationships and that alot of guys and girls are idiots at the college but she said im a really nice guy straight after.


she was also asking which university im going n stuff like that and we spoke for ages. and asking about my family and past etc.


we were interupted eventually and had to move out of the classroom into another, she packed up and left and i packed up and left about 30 seconds after her. she went to another class room down the corridor left her work n bag in there with her other friends and then disapeared. one guy i spoke to said she was speaking to a friend whilst walking around the college.


i just got there abit after she had left so i missed her and i didnt see her really for the rest of the day until she picked her bag up n other stuff then went to move into another class room where her other mates were.


however the rest of the day i felt i messed up somewhere and now i just wish id asked for her number y'know. is the ball in her court or..? is she waiting for me?


maybe she is shy? is she deciding on it, giving it time? or is she just being a good friend and doesnt want to go out with me?


Recently its been on and off but i think its still there, i hope i havent left it too long tbh. She still looks at me and still talks to me but just not as often, she seemed sad or depressed or more distant last few days and now its the holidays so we wont see eachother for a whole week. We havent had much alone time this week too i guess.. but when we had that time together in past weeks she didnt act like a friend.. she seems to be more interested in asking about my background and alot of other things, she acts quiet/shy around me and not other guys, this makes me feel she feels different about me compared to her other guy mates, but like i said if were alone she wont stop speaking to me.


if she is sitting parralel next to me but with a gap betwen her and my table do you think she sat there to be next to me more? tho she didnt sit next to me at the pcs :S

she also crossed her legs diagonaly to the front of the class.. she doesnt usually do this and she tilted her head towards me sometimes with her back up straight and she was abit fidgety aswell towards the end.. like drawing/shading on a piece of paper off her lap (paper is tiny), ive been told crossing legs is a good sign.. maybe im wrong?


my problem is acting as if im un-interested or bored but its only because im nervous and shy and angry at myself for not asking her out.. this makes me appear angry all the time and its been making me worry recently.

if were alone i now have the guts to ask her out.. but this week we didnt have any alone time what so ever..


so would u say shes interested? do you think she may have moved on and doesnt like me anymore? have i messed up?


any advice? greatly appreciated - thanks =)

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Aw shyt, what the *** is wrong with you, man.First of all, stop over analyzing. Over analyzing gets you nowhere. That's the problem with a lot of these questions. Stop over analyzing. Stop thinking to yourself, "Does she like me?" "Was that a sign that she liked me?"*** it.Ask her out. Stop being a puzzy and ask her out. You'll find out one way or another and she'll respect you more for having the courage to ask her out. You'll find out better than any ***in advice that people will be telling you. And this message goes to everyone, EVERYONE who asks the same ***ing question. "Does she like me?"Who gives a ***! How do you expect someone to know. We're not there. And even if we were, we wouldn't ***in know. All you men, start being men and ASK HER OUT. That shyt will work better than any ***in overanalyzations that you may have.

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