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Well, here it goes. I am wondering what you guys think I should do in this situation... I have an ex that I dated for 2 years who is an extremly important part of my life. We broke up 5 years ago so that we could go to seperate schools and stuff...nothing else was really wrong in the relationship. So, we have stayed in touch ever since, we were friends for a year before dating as well. BUT, here's the thing. We recently have ended up back in the same city and are both single and of course still talk all the time. I have always loved him, even though I have had other love interests and so has he. We aren't at the place where we both want to try it again. But, when we are with each other we can help but flirt and be attracted to each other. We BOTH flirt, not just me. So, because of this and our long seperation, he is pulling away, he only wants to talk on the phone, never in person, never just hang out like we were. I don't want to loose the friendship that means so much to me... how do I "turn off" the feelings I have for him so that we can keep the friendship we have had for 8 years? And why is it so bad if we have such a great friendship AND are physically attracted to each other if we did hang out and maybe try it again someday?!

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