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Dealing with Expectations

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Over the summer, I began to converse with a guy I knew only as a friend in my hometown (I moved across the country in June), first over IM and then on the phone. A lot. We've both said that we love each other, and I am visiting him in December.


He is absolutely incredible, and I'm so excited that I'll (finally) get to see him again. The only thing is, we didn't know each other very well before I moved, and have never been together intimately. I'm really worried that somehow I won't measure up to his expectations, or that we'll have sex and it won't be very good, or that we just won't be as compatible as we seem to be.


Has anyone else been in this kind of situation? what happened? I guess I'm just looking for advice/support...

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When I met my fiance I felt exactly like you did, Just be yourself, don't worry about expectations as much, but get to know HIM, see what he is looking for and what he likes,and if that fits into your comfort zone...than great, if not, tell him what isn't, eventually (not right away, take time to think about it)

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i am new to this site...i really have no idea...about half the issues in here nor do i know the names etc.


however if there is one person that would like to take that leap of faith - i believe they have the addy, etc.


its no biggie - really

12:45 am

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