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does this guy like me or not

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There is someone that i work with and i've fallen for them and its driving me crazy. I only just really started to like them a 12 months ago. there is a 5 year age gap. we talk heaps just about everyday stuff, good eye contact, laughing at stuff i say, smiling, teasing,complimenting me and almost as if he looks for me sometimes. i think i've caught him looking at me before out of the corner of my eye and it was for more than just a second. if i walk into the room coz im late or something he will say hello to me directly.he won't let me do something for him without wanting to do something for me.and the list goes on but i just want to know does he like me or am i reading too much into the whole situation.

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Is this guy single and without a girlfriend? If he has a girlfriend it may be just friendly flirting. If not, I would say yes he sounds like he is interested. I would warn against getting involved with co-workers because it can get too messy if you break up and just in general.

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OP, I think you meant "him" instead of "them".


Anyways, the information you've given is not sufficient to say that it's anymore more than casual flirting. I do that sometimes.


What other things did you notice besides what you've mentioned?


and, oh yeah, I agree with the warning against getting involved with co-workers.

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