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What to make of this email PART 2!!! UPDATE

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Forget About Her

For those of you who read my last thread with the myspace email, I have received and update. I found out they dated for only a few months, and he was the most recent ex before me. Wierd thing is, they NEVER had sex. I'll post the exchanges for you to read and let me know what you think:




1. hey... I know it has been awhile, im not gonna lie I thought about you the other day and looked you up and what a surprise you have a myspace just like the rest of the world haha! Anyway I hope everything is going really well for you and for what its worth I'm sorry for not staying in touch with you, my mistake. So, maybe I'll talk to you but I understand if i dont hear back, I just wanted to let you know I never forgot about you and I hope your doing well.



2. Thats interesting. What made you think about me the other day? And things, I dont think, could be going better....lifestyle wise anyways.



3. Well that's good! I'm happy to hear back from you, but I don't know what made me think of you... I do from time to time a few things remind me of you. I just was curious to see how you were doing. I hope you keep in touch I'd love to catch up with you, I'll talk to you

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4. Well, ok, to be honest - I think about you probably more than I should admit to saying here [giggle, giggle]. I heard a song on the radio the other day and it reminded of that vacation we took in Vermont. So, how's work and school going? Did you get your hair cut recently? You mentioned you were going to that.



5. Wow! Vermont! That was a great time. Yah, I cut it pretty short and did some streaks and you know, job and school, blah, blah - you still living out of town?

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well, right now it sounds like cheesey idle chitchat, but you never know where it's going to go from there.


i would wait before you say something to her, because you don't really have anything to go on right now and she'll just learn to hide it from you. check a few more times and see what's up, then confront her with what you find that you don't like.

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To me it looks like she had re-kindled something. Something small, but something nonetheless. The way she is speaking to him and the way he is responding looks like it could eventually lead to something. This is my opinion of course. Take it as you wish.

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To me it looks like she had re-kindled something. Something small, but something nonetheless. The way she is speaking to him and the way he is responding looks like it could eventually lead to something. This is my opinion of course. Take it as you wish.



I second MikeC's post.


If they never sleep together there is unexplored territory there. And it sounds like the e-mails are going in a direction where it will lead to something.

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Yup, definitely something being rekindled here. I personally don't think I'd want to be with a woman who was talking like that with an ex, or any guy at all for that matter.

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