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me, what do I do?

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Im a male 24, Ive been with my GF for a year and a half now. Wev've been in an on and off relationship ever since the first beginning months. The biggest problem is that I feel *Very* insecure with her. About 3 months ago she moved into a house with 5 housemates and since then she has become a completely different person.


Right until she moved into another house we would talk for hours on the phone and see each other every two days. But now I only get to speak to her properly about twice a week and only get to see her only once.


Everytime she speaks to me it makes me feel like she's trying to hide me away from other people. I haven't been even invited to her house since the move.


Ive also noticed some big changes in her behavour. She has been more jumpy recenly and it is too easy to make her snap which was much unlikely before.


I feel like im hanging by a string, its so difficuilt, I'm completely crazy over her and love her to pieces but I feel like we are becoming more and more distant. Please help me. Am I just being insecure or is there something more?


What's worse is we are/were getting to the stage where we are/were talking of marriage. Right now I dont know what to believe if shes serious or just playing games with my mind or if theres someone else in the picture?

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This is a warning sign, and your gut is telling you something.


Don't blame yourself and let her make you think your the one with the problem, sounds to me you are trying to validate your instincts and intuition.



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this girls not being fair to you and it sounds like she wants the best of both worlds. its up to you to tell her that if you're a couple she should act like it and if she isn't prepared to do that and keeps treating you the same as always then you need to break it off with her.

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dont jump to conclusions. you should talk to her about it. tell her your concerns and that actually express that you feel insecure right now.


it never hurts to see what their side of the story is. she might just want to go and experience life. it sucks when you are on the other side missing who your partner was, believe me...im there right now and it hurts. but at least i know that he wants to be in the relationship and we talk about what the problems are that are keeping us distant. you need to work on the communication part before you make any decisions about why she is behaving in a particular way.


it sucks to feel insecure, im going through a really tough time with the same thing right now. :( good luck.

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She has officially dumped you.


She prolongs it but she is already put lots of distance between you both.


The things going on over there at her new place are not for your eyes to see...


You need to get strong and work on yourself for awhile...

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