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time to pursue?

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Hello, this is my first post on this site so I will try to make it short and sweet. Well this hasto do with a close friend of mine that I sort of fell for in the past. We used to work together so we flirted constantly and just had a great time, now I did the idiotic thing and decided to write a sappy note telling her how I felt, immediately afterwards she became distant and was upset about how I did things (I never really found out how she felt about it though). Now a couple years have gone by and we are good friends again but now its worse. I was doing good until recently the feelings have come back stronger than ever. It seems more than one sided now because not only will we flirt all the time but I will occasionally get those "looks" from her when you just sort of stare and smile and look off. And whenever we are at a public gathering like a bar she will always seem to want to talk to me and she will grab my arm or hit me after a joke and whatnot, or if I am looking at something on my laptop she might lean on me to take a look at what I am doing.


I realize it may sound kind of trivial but when we are in the same room just hanging around there is like this tangible feeling, it seems so obvious to me so Im just wondering what it might be like for her. I have been debating whether or not I want to pursue it again and I feel that I should. I was thinking about just ignoring all the other ways to tell her how I feel and just kiss her whenever the moment is right. So hopefully this isnt a terrible idea, but hey we only live once right?

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I think I am going to go for it. Ive just been rehearsing it in my mind endlessly for the past few weeks of all that can happen from it. Im ok with most of it since im sure I will probably just be seen as her friend but I just need to try for myself, because ive watched too many things pass me by in life and its time I start chasing what I want.

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If you are unsure then kiss her on the cheek. If she wants more then she will turn so it is not a cheek kiss.


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I am in a similar situation myself. From what you are describing, she is giving off subtle to obvious signals that she has interest in you. I would test the waters before jumping in with a kiss (even on the cheek). Compliment her and see how she reacts. Then go from there. Hell, she might even make the first real move if you say the right thing.

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But im just afraid that the forward compliments might just seem out of place or wierd and she will back off (because it would seem out of character coming from me, not that im an a**hole its just I dont really give compliments like that too often), I was thinking with a kiss it will just be impulsive enough and she couldnt avoid it unless ofcourse I get slapped but thats why im taking the chance.


Also I was just thinking about how whenever in the past there was a situation where people would hug (like going on vacation, seeing someone after a while etc.) we would never hug each other just everyone else around us, I dunno it just seems a little strange when I look back on it, maybe there is a deeper meaning?

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signals... so confusing aren't they?


I've got a friend who's just naturally touchy and is unafraid to hug people. A lot of guys read this as a mutual attraction. She's always surprised by this too and gets weirded out when people who she only think of as friends announce their undying love to her. I know this because often I'm the go- between person for these poor fellows.


But there's hope! One guy made that same announcement one day...someone she never even considered. And a year later they've moved in together.


So there you go. take your chances. life is short.

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