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Arm touching...

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There's this lady at work that I've been talking to more and more recently. The other week I had to leave her a note to ask her to do something for me. It wasn't really anything special or anything, but she said it was "super cute" and stuff. Anyway, since then whenever she's spoke to me (and is within reaching distance) she touches my arm, strokes my shoulder or something like that.


What does the whole touching thing mean? I'm not a very tactile person. I never touch people and people never seem to touch me in general conversation. I do like it when she does it, but I wonder why she does it, and if I should try and touch her back? I say try, because I don't know if I can do it without looking really fake or forced!


Thanks :)

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She wants you BADLY..


if she speaks to you alot too and asks you alot of questions about yourself then i'd be sure she is after you.


if she touches you she wants to be with you.. if its someone you have known a long time it might just be like being friendly and playful. Like a sign of messing around.. e.g one of my co-workers used to slap peoples bottoms but that was more of a jokey thing because we had been working together ages and knew each other vry well.


like i said tho if she does it often then shes interested.


so i would reckon you try compliment her, see how she reacts to it. or you could do something like touch her back but nothing too much obviously.. if she still seems keen after that and is enjoying your company go for it.


im not 100% on how girls flirt but with this one i think she definately wants you =] hope this helps.

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