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A Rebound

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So about a year ago I starting seeing a girl, we had very good chemistry together. We had been hanging out for about 3 months. She had broken up with her ex (who she dated for 5 years: 16-21) and was mad at him (still had feelings) though I did not know this at the time. After about 3 months, and not knowing enough about her history I pushed for things to become a little more serious and she resisted. Her ex came back from abroad and they "tried things again" for a few months.


In June she broke up with him again because he isn't willing to put in the time necessary to have a relationship. It is now near the end of October and she has told me they have not spoken since June. I saw her once in the beginning of September and once in the beginning of October and talk to her about once a week. She said that she was really sorry about last fall that she was on the rebound but this time it is different. She says she feels bad saying it because she dated the kid for 5 years but she just doesn't care anymore if they talk again. I don't know if I should believe her or if this is just rhetoric. I'm leary about hanging out with her right now thinking that maybe she's not healed from the last relationship. She says she wants to take things slowly, not be boyfriend-girlfriend over night but that she wants to hang out. I'm nervous that she's not over her past relationship.


I'm convinced that we both like each other a lot and I know we have great chemistry, but I don't want to jeapordize any potential because I'm still sort of a rebound for her. She says they haven't talked in 4 months but part of me wonders if that is because he doesn't want to, because he doesn't "put in the time necessary for a good relationship." Should I continue to hang out with her once in a while and talk to her once in a while, or should I just give her more time letting her get over this kid alone, and maybe if we're both single, start hanging out again in a few months? Thoughts?

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