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boy likes girl, girl maybe likes boy

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hmm boy likes girl, and girl likes boy (i think)


you can determine from these number points whether she likes me or not =P


1) shes the only girl at school who talks to me.

We talk for ages without stopping.

She says hi everyday and smiles.


2) Sometimes i catch her looking across at me.

Sometimes she sits with her back to me but she always turns sideways if

her mates are in diner hall most of the time.

if im in the dinner hall she is.. if im in class at lunch she is.


9) she brings up going shopping and then eventually bring up the dance alot. she says no one will go with her and that her little sister cant go because shes too young.

she says she never goes to dance because she doesn't have alot of confidence but she said to me she likes it and shes been before and its really fun.


11) shes trusted me at times to pass messages on, look after her stuff. Considering we don't know each other too well i'd say this is a great sign from her.

she showed me her phone and some pictures on it and we stood quite close together, at this time i'd wished i'd asked for her number O_O



*last week she seemed less interested.. strange as it seems but shes still really nice to me. i admit my problem is acting uninterested but i do like her! i get so nervous around her.


*To back me up would you say she definitely likes me? do you think she may have moved on and doesn't like me anymore? i wont see her for at least a week now. is she still going to like me after school starts again?


*anything i can do to keep her keen, anything i can specifically ask her to lead into asking her out?

my friend says i should ask if she has found a guy yet to go dance with.

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She likes you, but don't ask her if she "found a guy" to go to the dance with. Ask her if she has a date to the dance...it's a nicer way of saying it. If she says no, then ask her!

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thanks for advice, im going to ask her (or for her number depending) on the first day back at school next tuesday, isnt too soon is it?


i think one reason why i was unsure was because she acts abit tomboyish sometimes, she has quite a few guy friends.. in which she friendly flirts with.. touching hair, sitting on knee, maybe hugging.. it puts me off abit.. idk why.. but im okay with it really.. does she touch these guys because shes desperate to get with any guy? is it just messing about? a way to make someone jealous (me)? especially the other day when she was practically standing infront of me touching some guy.. strange..


when i speak to her she doesnt touch me or anything then again we dont know eachother that well. but the other day when i was watching she suddenly told like 2 guys to stop touching her so i figured she may noticed i didnt like them doing it to her or something idk.


and if i said to her she is good looking would she take that as creepy? or friendly or me being interested? she seemd to be dead nervous the week after and more quiet..

thnx again =]

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thanks for advice, im going to ask her (or for her number depending) on the first day back at school next tuesday, isnt too soon is it?


i think one reason why i was unsure was because she acts abit tomboyish sometimes, she has quite a few guy friends.. in which she friendly flirts with.. touching hair, sitting on knee, maybe hugging.. it puts me off abit.. idk why.. but im okay with it really.. does she touch these guys because shes desperate to get with any guy? is it just messing about? a way to make someone jealous (me)? especially the other day when she was practically standing infront of me touching some guy.. strange..


when i speak to her she doesn't touch me or anything then again we dont know each other that well. but the other day when i was watching she suddenly told like 2 guys to stop touching her so i figured she may noticed i didnt like them doing it to her or something idk.


and if i said to her she is good looking would she take that as creepy? or friendly or me being interested? she seemd to be dead nervous the week after and more quiet..

thnx again =]



if ur gonna try that do not say "hey sexy" that would prolly come off as a lil weird cuz u dont know her that well

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