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Picking people up in public?

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Well, you wanted to meet people.... :p


lol meet people... not be an exhibitionist...

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My main source of social outlet is either by myself roaming the city or doing errands, or hanging out with my friends. I think I'm going to force myself to a photography event this weekend. It's going to be a challenge for my comfortzone, but hopefully i'll have a chance to talk to someone.

DGIIRL....you need to start frequenting new places that you wouldn't normally go. You MUST go by yourself so that you aren't distracted with friends and present yourself as single. Make it a habit of hanging out regularly (at least once per week) at the same bookstore, same bar, same coffee shop, etc... Over time you'll normally meet new people. Strangers are much more comfortable approaching you after they have seen you 6 or 7 times before (and you'll feel safer with them).

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Lol, I've actually thought about most of Loveshack ending up on my ignore list. :laugh:


That would be fun for you... so you will be in the 'real world' an outcast and on LS too... way to go Ross.. lets burn all our bridges of the island.. so we can be by are little bitty selves...


Wake up mister... people were trying to help you... and you just turn on them.... GET COUNSELLING... you are getting counselling right? You said you were...

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I work mostly in front of the computer. I guess that's why I'm a lot more "outgoing" online than in person. I'm so comfortable with it.


My mom has the gift to gab. She could talk to anyone. I take after my dad, let her do the talking and keep quiet.


My main source of social outlet is either by myself roaming the city or doing errands, or hanging out with my friends. I think I'm going to force myself to a photography event this weekend. It's going to be a challenge for my comfortzone, but hopefully i'll have a chance to talk to someone.


See that is great! Wear something you find comfortable (believe it or not bunching pantyhose can ruin your comfort and happiness level) :D


make sure you are not hungry...... tired, or too horny too..... :D


Just go hang out take in the adventure and don't worry.... set your goal to enjoy the event not make best friends with everyone.....


Now if you don't say Hi to at least 5 people when you are there I am going to come up to the great white north and kick your frozen butt! :D

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DGIIRL....you need to start frequenting new places that you wouldn't normally go. You MUST go by yourself so that you aren't distracted with friends and present yourself as single. Make it a habit of hanging out regularly (at least once per week) at the same bookstore, same bar, same coffee shop, etc... Over time you'll normally meet new people. Strangers are much more comfortable approaching you after they have seen you 6 or 7 times before (and you'll feel safer with them).


I would totally agree with this advice....with age comes wisdom, eh alpha?

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DGIIRL....you need to start frequenting new places that you wouldn't normally go. You MUST go by yourself so that you aren't distracted with friends and present yourself as single. Make it a habit of hanging out regularly (at least once per week) at the same bookstore, same bar, same coffee shop, etc... Over time you'll normally meet new people. Strangers are much more comfortable approaching you after they have seen you 6 or 7 times before (and you'll feel safer with them).


Alpha, you are so right. I actually commented on something similar in another thread and failed to see it with myself. I thought I would have to sign up for a particular activity/hobby, which I cannot seem to find anything atm, to get that familiarity, but I guess I could just go to the same bookstore/coffee shop regularly to get the same results.

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Now if you don't say Hi to at least 5 people when you are there I am going to come up to the great white north and kick your frozen butt! :D


hahahah yes madam! If I have a chance, I'm going to go to the museum tonight with my camera. I'm going to aim for 5, but atleast get 1 hi in!

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just a quick side-note, dgiirl, but if you like the outdoors, http://www.sierraclub.org is a great way to meet people...I've gone on a few things with them, and made a few friends that way.


Also, if you like anything (learning, working out, computers, etc) - a good website to check out is http://www.meetup.com


Sierra Club is limited to the USA, Meetup is not; I dunno where you are exactly, maybe canada, from a4a's travel plans? Anyways, check those and similar things out. Also, EYE CONTACT! If you want a guy to notice you, make eye contact with him


And, btw,

lol meet people... not be an exhibitionist...


did I miss something in that pic? I saw no exhibitionist qualities...if I missed it, put it up again :p

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hahahah yes madam! If I have a chance, I'm going to go to the museum tonight with my camera. I'm going to aim for 5, but atleast get 1 hi in!


Museum huh?


Well that is a great place to start a conversation.... even just "that is amazing isn't it?" is a great opener to start a conversation.


Don't forget tho if a really hottie comes near it may not hurt to just go for the meat and ask "so do you like blow jobs?" :p :p :p :p :D

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laguy, thanks for the links... I'll take a look at them.


a4a, but how will i know he'd like them from me or the guy standing next to me? lol It's a museum after all ;P

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laguy, thanks for the links... I'll take a look at them.


a4a, but how will i know he'd like them from me or the guy standing next to me? lol It's a museum after all ;P


Easy way around that simply ask " top or bottom" see how he responds..... if he says "yes I am a top" or "yes I am a bottom"...... he does not want you.


Now if he says "top or bottom? what?" and looks confused say "which part of this piece do you find more attractive the top or the bottom section"..... see where there is a will there is a way......( refer to the art work not your body when saying "piece"..... although you could point to your breasts/top and ass/bottom as well......just depends on your mood an hotness level of the guy)


also shoes.... check his shoes......... :lmao: :lmao: :p

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just a quick side-note, dgiirl, but if you like the outdoors, www.sierraclub.org is a great way to meet people

hahaha ha ha Sierra Klub!!! I had some friends try this out. They reported back the klub was infested by liberal and nerdy neo-conservationists who loved to hike but did not drink, smoke, party. HA HA HA....BOOOORRRRRIIIINNNNGGGG!!!!

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hahaha ha ha Sierra Klub!!! I had some friends try this out. They reported back the klub was infested by liberal and nerdy neo-conservationists who loved to hike but did not drink, smoke, party. HA HA HA....BOOOORRRRRIIIINNNNGGGG!!!!


Yeah, it's actually true....people I've met there anyways; ah well, maybe they have friends who are into other stuff.

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I have another question, related to this thread....and I think it may help you out, too, dgiirl. We touched briefly upon what a girl is supposed to do to look more available to a guy. Coming from a guy's standpoint, who is looking to be able to spot single, available women, I'm interested in exploring this a bit further....


So, my question is, what do you women do to show that you're availalbe? Most people I've hit on are taken, and I find that I've just had a 5 minute conversation with someone who already has a bf....not that that's a waste of time, because I'm trying to change my outlook here and just meet people for friendships (*begins chanting, "only friends, only friends, only friends)


So, what do you women do, to display the call of the wild? Most of ya probably go to bars or clubs I'm assuming - but even girls who are already hooked up with someone go there too.


Anyone have any answers to this incredibly ambiguous question of mine?

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I have another question, related to this thread....and I think it may help you out, too, dgiirl. We touched briefly upon what a girl is supposed to do to look more available to a guy. Coming from a guy's standpoint, who is looking to be able to spot single, available women, I'm interested in exploring this a bit further....


So, my question is, what do you women do to show that you're availalbe? Most people I've hit on are taken, and I find that I've just had a 5 minute conversation with someone who already has a bf....not that that's a waste of time, because I'm trying to change my outlook here and just meet people for friendships (*begins chanting, "only friends, only friends, only friends)


So, what do you women do, to display the call of the wild? Most of ya probably go to bars or clubs I'm assuming - but even girls who are already hooked up with someone go there too.


Anyone have any answers to this incredibly ambiguous question of mine?


If I was interested in a woman, the only thing that would stop me (besides my sometimes being shy:o ), would be if she was with a guy and they were doing something that showed me that they were together. You never really know if they are available or not unless you talk to them yourselves. I also look at the ring finger and that helps too.

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So, what do you women do, to display the call of the wild?

Call of the wild!?


I would think, women who do this, tend to be a bit desperate and irritated.


I have thought that women who don't "give out vibes, and calls", are the best catch.


It is not about, who is available or who isn't. It is about how you present yourself accordingly, with respect to your surroundings/situation. What do you bring to the table -per say?


IF you make a fool out of yourself [doormat, sleaze, et cetera], then karma takes over -and the same thing happens right back at you.


You can start a new thread about the adventures of availability, and the wooing women profess.



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Hi Ross,


Picking people up in public areas seems a bit of a strange thing to do if you ask me, then again, maybe it's just different cultures.


The Scottish friend of mine used to comment about that in the forums. It is a different culture thing. In the UK, for what I understand, it is more common to hang at public places and get a rapport with someone before going out.


Actually, for what I understand, when you go out you are already boyfriends.


The reason why people date in America, I believe, is because otherwise they won't meet again for the most cases. So you have to ask for the number and then start talking (which is kind of weird I agree).



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The reason why people date in America, I believe, is because otherwise they won't meet again for the most cases. So you have to ask for the number and then start talking (which is kind of weird I agree).

well ARIADNE...that's what happens when people move out of the cow pastures and into the big city :lmao:

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ok so i miserably failed!!! lol Yes, i went the art gallery... Yes, I smiled at a bunch of people... Yes, I mouthed hi to one single person, the security guard, and i had to mouth it because the whole damn place was SOOOO quiet that you could hear someone whispering across the room lol


I get a cookie for going tho right?

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Some guy chatted me up at the airport a few days ago. I'm sure he was just being friendly, passing the time. I'm always tempted to do things like that but I always feel like an ass doing it. There's a guy at my gym that is a dead ringer for Ashton Kutcher. I feel like I should tell him that - if only to break the monotony of my workout.

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Some guy chatted me up at the airport a few days ago. I'm sure he was just being friendly, passing the time.

Were you wearing that "member of the mile high club" T-shirt again? I don't think it's doing you any favours.

There's a guy at my gym that is a dead ringer for Ashton Kutcher. I feel like I should tell him that - if only to break the monotony of my workout.

Gosh, woman - what are you waiting for?? Tell him that he looks like Ashton Kutcher trying to get into your pants.

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Were you wearing that "member of the mile high club" T-shirt again? I don't think it's doing you any favours.


Why YES, I was! It's white and someone spilled beer on it. And I never wear a bra. Do you think that had something to do with it?


Gosh, woman - what are you waiting for?? Tell him that he looks like Ashton Kutcher trying to get into your pants.


Well, there you have it. That's definitely an approach I've never tried before!

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Why YES, I was! It's white and someone spilled beer on it. And I never wear a bra. Do you think that had something to do with it?

A beer-breasted woman is my absolute all-time number one fantasy.

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