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has anyone actually had a MM leave his wife 4 good

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time and time again on LS i see posts from females who are dating a married man. they all say.... he loves me and he wants to leave his wife but is just waiting for the right time to tell her coz blah blah blah blah


i have also read stories where the MM does leave the wife .. only to return to her after a short period of time.


was just wondering if anyone has actualyl had their MM leave their wife for good and never go back to her or never sleep with her again.


it just sounds to me like they all say exactly the same thing but rarely actually do come up with "the goods".


if u have dated a MM who left his wife for good and never went back to her for anything .... then i would be interested to hear about it.

and if he left her 3 days ago that doesnt count

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That would be interesting. But I don't think it could/would ever happen though.


Who would want to be with someone who was willing to cheat on their wife anyways?

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I think if you meet a mm, he'll either leave RIGHT AWAY, or he'll never leave. If you've been dating him for a while, and he keeps promissing he'll leave, he has zero intention of leaving, because if he was really afraid of losing you, if you were really the better choice than his wife, he'd already have left.

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Well, my sister's husband (ex husband now) just left her for another woman. and believe me the divorce is final and he is with the other woman. I wish someone could honestly tell my sister that men don't leave their wives. And she is a little nutty but very attractive. My husband works at a school where two teachers (a man and a woman) hooked up. The man's wife was a teacher there, too, when it all went down! what a scandal! Now the ex-wife is gone, the new wife still works there and the man is a principal at another school. They got married and are still married three years later. I just saw them at a dinner the other night. They are totally in love. Two instructors at my gym both left their spouses (she had kids) and have been together for two years now. I could go on because where I live there seem to be plenty of examples.

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That would be interesting. But I don't think it could/would ever happen though.


Who would want to be with someone who was willing to cheat on their wife anyways?


i agree that if he leaves quickly, it is a good idea. i met a man who told me he was very unhappy with his wife. we spent one night together and then spoke on the phone. he left 4 weeks later. it had nothing to do with me as his wife didn't know about me and they had been having problems for years. 7 years later we are still together... meeting me gave him the push he needed thats all.

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