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How do I tell her?


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Hey, I've been comin to this site and well, uhhhh thought of registering, but i wasn't really sure on what to do. But looks like I finally found the time to post here.


Ok, I've been knowing this girl for about 10 years. Since we were about 5 or 6 or so. Me and her brother played together a lot since we're real tight and all, and she would play with us a lot too. We're pretty close, cause she acts much more loosely and calm when she's around me then other boys. We tend to flirt at times, but nothing too serious, but sometimes the things she does make me wonder if she has feelings for me.


When she has boy problems she'll call me, crying on the phone and I give her comfort. One call she when she was crying she didn't understand why a guy broke up with her and said that no one liked her. I replied by something comforting, and she said, "It's not like you like me or anything...." in a dissappointed sad tone. Back then I didn't have much feelings towards her.


I can't explain how, but I just am confident that maybe she has feelings for me. But pretty much since I met her, she teases me about some other girl and I can't stand it because I don't have any interest in this other girl whatsoever. But now after 10 years of knowing her, I finally fall for HER and not that girl she keeps bringing up.


Pretty much all the boys around her has liked her at least one point of living here in my neighborhood. I probably have always had a small crush on her, but I was too stubborn to admit it to myself cause I didn't want to be grouped up with all those other love sick boys around here.


This is what worries me. I think I'm actually IN LOVE with her. I can't explain how, but I can't stop thinking about her. I can't sleep at night, and I get so excited when I'm going to see her. It's like christmas where you can't wait to open a gift. I finally had the guts to go and tell her, and she couldn't believe what I was saying was true.


It was just a brief confession, so I didn't have enough time to go in depth and serious of how I felt about her. And ever since I told her all this, she refuses to look at me, refuses to ride the bus, and doesn't act the same anymore. It kinda hurts, cause I can never get into the right setting of telling her my feelings cause now she tries to avoid me for some reason. It's like she tries her hardest to ignore me and I can tell that she's pretending like she's not. But she is. I really care about her. Seriously. But I can't tell how she feels. Does she feel the same way as I do about her?



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