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What I should do

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I just recently got married about a week ago and it wasen't because of love. it was because we have a son together and he is going to the marines. also, because my mother paid for the whole wedding. We have been together for five years and I am at the point where my emtions are threw the roof. When we first started dating we were always flirting he was on the football team and I was in all sorts of clubs and activites. I was so in love, After we had been dating for a year. He cheated on me with this 300 lbs girl who is a hoe.


I never thought he would cheat on me especially with someone like that! He denied it for a year until one night I said that I didn't care and when he told me, It broke my heart. The way I had found out about it was because his friend had a crush on me and told me about it. But he said that his friend was just trying to get me to brake up with him so he could go out with me. Which in the end his friend ended up being right. His friend told me that they slept together and Heath told me that she was about to do oral on him but then said no. To this day I still don't know the truth about that situation. Then after that had happened he got into drugs and I couldn't trust him. He would tell me lies about where he was going and what he was doing. After that, he and his friends got a lapdance in a room with a girl who was naked. May I add not at a strip club in someone's house.


He said that she never even touched him. I also don't know what really happened. Still I struggled with his drug habits and supported and housed him while he stayed at home all day long because I loved him so much. When I was pregnant he didn't get a job until I was seven months pregnant. Then for a while he was good at least that's what I thought. A long time ago there was some talk about a train that got ran on a girl back then and I kind of just said that one of his friends told me about it. Well, turns out that the girl did oral sex but, supposedly it was before we were dating. He just told me this about six months ago and we have been together for five. About a month ago, I found out that my bestfriend and him pretty much said that they wanted to have sex with eachother and wanted a relationship. both of them have different sides to the story. It got to the point where I always accuse him of cheating because everytime I have it's been right. And he gets mad at me or tries to turn it around on me. He says he dosen't want to be with my bestfriend that he was drunk and took everything back that he said. But also, I can't believe she would do that to do me either.


It really hurts, because I'm so co-dependent, we have a son together, He is a good father, and he is the first guy I've loved and have told everything too. I had told my bestfriend that I was going to visit my sister in oklahoma and when I was suppose to be gone she called the house for him but, I answered and she said she was calling because she wanted to see if I had really left. Also, now she calls the house and hangs up if I answer. Which makes me think that If he answers do they talk?


My heart hurts everyday and I can't trust him at all. I also found out that my best friend and him were doing powder behind my back and he was lying about where he was going. If you knew me I don't do drugs and I am not the type of person to share my man. I am so hurt, disgusted, angry, sad, and depressed. I don't know what to do and it's tearing me up inside. Please somebody respond to my situation and tell me what to do.

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omg! what are you doing!!!!

you need to get out of this right now. why did you marry him? i know you want your son to grow up in a loving environment but there is such a thing as separated.. you can be with a different guy even if you have a son!

you need to get your ass to court and get some divorce papers because this guy should not be married to you. and your so called friend i would drop in a heart beat because friends don't do that to friends


you are in the deepest hole ever but you can get yourself out. plus, whats this about him being a good father? he does drugs! he can be nice to his son, but being a good father is being an adult and setting good examples. what if your son finds out about this?

seriously SERIOUSLY get your life back together. you said your son is going into the marines.. how old is he?!?

if hes old enough, get your ass out of wherever you live and move far away. its scary but i know you can do it. make new friends, join clubs or volunteer at places to meet people out there. don't let him do this to you, this is beyond repair.

please update on what you plan to do






if you want more people to read and respond, you should shorten the length..

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