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*blush* Flirt virgin

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Hi people!!


I am a bit scared this is my first post and possibly you have all heard this before but Id love some help please!!


I am 22, used to be the queen of flirt, met a man at 16, with him for 5 years and just broke up. I work with a guy, we both run a dairy so its just me and him and Ive had my eye on him for awhile but now Im free I want to make a move


Few problems though, first he's 45 and Im not sure if he even has interest in younger women. He's been single for ages so Ive got my fingers crossed he'll be up to try anything


Second problem is I dont think Im the kind of gal he'd usually go for, unless you get to know him he's a bit chauvanist and likes the really thin good looking women (cos he thinks he's so sexy and thats what he deserves lol) I am (trying not to sound modest) good looking but carry too many extra kilo's unfortunately but Im working on it lol)


We get along well from a working perspective and Ive known him over a year and I know all his quirks etc but I really dont know where and how to start hinting that Im interested because I work with him if he turned me down I think id have to quit!! I take too much to heart


Any suggestions at how I can be really subtle and learn if hes interested or not without making a fool of myself?? I also dont want to just jump on him as he was mates with my ex


I really think we could be great together, Id keep him young and he'd teach me how to grow up lol. It has only really just hit me that Ive really dig him, ive always thought he was good looking etc but only about 4 days ago it just slammed me in the face and I cant stop thinking about him!! Never experienced anything like it!! But im just worried he'll just think of me as a niece or something cos of the age difference (even though he doesnt look and act 45 when I met him i thought he was 30!!)


Any help would be so appreciated cos I want to find out soon in case he finds someone else!!


Thanks guys

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I don't mean to sound rude here, but at 22, why would you want to be with a guy thats 45? Not that older men don't have a lot to offer, but could you say a little more about why you like him?

Did you mean he's really not a chauvinist, it just appears that way?

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heres a question you should ask: does he like the type of girl who would be eyeing another man while in a relationship? i know thats a key selling point for me :\

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