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My big brother's finacee is a player, any suggestion

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I really need help so any helpful advice would be welcome. As I stated above I just found out a week ago that my brother's finacee of 4 years being cheating on him the whole time with random men.


The problem is that I don't really know how to tell if four months ago I had several making out sessions with her and the closest I got once is sucking her boobs but that was all (she inicitated and I went along with it).


I stupidly went along with her plan on her leaving my brother for me, thinking that she loved me way better than her brother but I was a fool, she played with me the whole time. I don't know what the hell I was thinking and to make matter worst she has a recorder of out conversations from way back and pistures of us mkaing out. So if I say a word about it to my brother, she'll just brong him the evidence.


At the same time, I can't let my brother marry a no good player, who knows what diseases she might bring to him.

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This is a no brainer. You have to tell your brother! Look you are a scum bag for cheating on him with his girlfriend so you have to take your medicine but the bottom line is that you are his brother and you cannot allow him to destroy his life with this woman. You have to be honest with him for it is the very least you can do. If the roles were reversed wouldn't you wish to have your brother tell you the truth? By the way he will find out eventually anyway in the future and hate you that much more because you withheld this information from him and allowed him to marry this woman. Do the right thing and tell him the truth.

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This is a no brainer. You have to tell your brother! Look you are a scum bag for cheating on him with his girlfriend so you have to take your medicine but the bottom line is that you are his brother and you cannot allow him to destroy his life with this woman. You have to be honest with him for it is the very least you can do. If the roles were reversed wouldn't you wish to have your brother tell you the truth?


Alright I made a mistake, yes I'm a jerk, yes I'm loser, what on earth was I thinking?? I know he's gonna find out anyways, in which he'll probably never forgive me for this. **** as I'm writing this, I'm now crying like a girl, never got emotional before, but I can't stop. I been like this for a fews days now and off course my brother has no idea what's wrong with me, don't know how to tell him.


Yes yes, YES I would like to know the truth if this was reverse. He's been everything to me, my best friend, the one who would defend me every time bullies use to pick on me, harass me, he's been like a father, like a counselor also. Almost everything I needed help, he's was the one giving me advice.


And well I guess I got to carry away with his fiancee. Though she's the one that made the first moves and initiated the kissing/making out session, I was stupid to go along with it. I gotta admit I was infatuated with her, I even start believing it was love I had for her, since I never had a g/f and still don't have one.

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you have to expose this skank, also be prepared to be punched in the face


what kind of whore cheats with her fiancee's brother? seriously, this world is just turning into a sh*thole, this board just shows how selfish people can be with no remorse for other peoples feelings. it isnt hard to say no, it isnt hard to either be faithful or realize you cant be and break it off. i just shudder to think this girl could cheat on her bf for the entire four years! wtf was the point of staying with him?

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I have no choice like Spectre stated I have to expose this no good whore. I don't know what I would do to her if my brother gets an STD (yes I know the rule on not getting aggressive with a gal but if a member of my family is put at risk then I don't care anymore), then again it would be my fault too.


I'm gonna tell him sometime late at night today, now he's working. Then yes I'm also gonna be prepare for his reaction that's for sure. Boy I'm I gonna get it (don't remember seeing my brother furious in my life, only once and that was back in middle school when two guys bigger than me try beating me up, that's the one time he really was soo enrage).


Hope he forgives me. Wish there was a way I can make it up for it, that I'm not gonna betray him again.

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