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How am I supposed to interpret this? Need guy's perspective!


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Ok so, a friend of mine (who is male) just got back from a vacation. We have been friends for many years now and he is married and i am in a relationship. He's always been my good friend and lines have never been crossed except for our usual open flirting that both of our partners know about but it's all innocent - just little things like most close people do - we've known each other for many many years that he's almost like a brother to me.


So, he got back from his vacation and I emailed him and asked how the vacation was. He told me all about it, then I proceded to tell him that next month or possibly in December I would be travelling over seas. He said "wow... do you need an escort?"


He then said "When you go, take pictures and show them to me."


He isn't usually like that in his emails... he's more on the lines of take pictures and show them to us - meaning he and his wife.


Then I said sure and asked where his pics are - reffering to his vacation pics.


He said "On the porn sites. No pix here. Sorry. I'll take some next time."


So... this is not like him to talk about porn sites cuz he's usually pretty polite.


What does he mean by this... his pix are on "porn sites"??? Does he want me to picture him in a sexual way???


Lately he has been sending me weird signals that he wants more than a friendship, like going out one night together, with only he and I - which we haven't done since high-school.


I just need to know what he's referring to with this email so that I can address the issue. If it's nothing and I am just being delirious then I need to know also so that I don't make him feel uneasy.


Please help me!

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Im a guy. The only way to know what he's thinking is to flat out ask him.


One thing I will tell you is that guys think of their friendships with girls differently than girls think of them. For guys every interaction with an attractive female has a sexual element. Many times girls are oblivious to this fact.


Guys always fantasize about female friends. It's natural. I've had those types of relationships with girls where the "fake" flirting occurs. That is real. You see it as platonic but it's an expression of some underlying sexual desire. He wants to have sex with you garaunteed. Sounds like he's testing the water.


I would talk to him and make sure you both understand where you stand. Also, cut out the fake flirting. Acts like friends.

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Im a guy. The only way to know what he's thinking is to flat out ask him.


One thing I will tell you is that guys think of their friendships with girls differently than girls think of them. For guys every interaction with an attractive female has a sexual element. Many times girls are oblivious to this fact.


Guys always fantasize about female friends. It's natural. I've had those types of relationships with girls where the "fake" flirting occurs. That is real. You see it as platonic but it's an expression of some underlying sexual desire. He wants to have sex with you garaunteed. Sounds like he's testing the water.


I would talk to him and make sure you both understand where you stand. Also, cut out the fake flirting. Acts like friends.


Hehe, bigmil, my best friend is a guy and a) when I ask him flat out, he doesn't answer; b) I'm the one who fantasizes about him - he's not interested - yet he has initiated the fake flirting and touching: I think he gets a kick seeing me react (since I am attracted to him remember) but doesn't want to have sex - he told me as much. Just to say that things aren't all that simple.


OP I agree with bigmil - cut out the fake flirting - it is NEVER innocent and I hope you wouldn't do that with your brother.


Your friend might have intimate problems with his wife and just letting off some steam/testing you to see if he could get "it" elsewhere? Or he might be wondering if you feel more than you let on and feel a bit adventurous. Who knows.

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