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does my boy bud like me?

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i'm pretty close to this guy and he even said that i'm his best friend... lately, he started to ask me out... in fact, it had been one after another... one night when we were talking on the phone, he suddenly blurted out from nowhere how many kids he wants us to have... of course, i'm shocked with what he had said... it's not normal for us to have that kind of talk so i think he's flirting... on the other side, he becomes another person when i'm with my gal pals... sometimes, he doesn't greet me when we see each other... on other instances, i caught him looking at me then looks away when i see him but sometimes waves at me... i'm really confused with what he's showing me... what do you think is the real score? pls help...

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Umm DUH!!! HE wants you. Go out have a good time see how it goes...


He doesn't act the same around your pals because he doesn't want to be embarrassed if you reject him.

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