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kinda long story.... need assistance

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I havent posted in a long time.....since I was with my ex.

I recently started going through a divorce after finding out that my ex-husband had been cheating on me within 2 months of getting married (found out after 3 years together). I found out that he is a sociopath and a habitual liar. I moved back to my home state and in with my MOTHER. After being home for a bit, I ran into an old family friend that I havent seen in YEARS (a guy I had a crush on practically since I was born). Every since that day, we havent been apart for more than the hours that we are at work. I love him with all my heart, we want to get married (in a year and a half). I have worked through most of my problems from the divorce, still working on some.


Now for the problem, we just moved in with a couple as I am their live in nanny and they REALLY needed help, with more then their kids. The couple is a bit older than us, about 6-8 years. They have 5 kids from 13 to 2.


Everything was great until last night. The mother and my guy went out to get some stuff for the house (new beds for the boys) and they were gone for 4 1/2 - 5 hours. he said he was sorry for being gone so long but when we went to bed, he didnt even try to get him any like he does every night. Then today he left with her again to 'help her at her restaurant'. I dont think it would bother me so much if he wasnt always joking about "bending her over" and acting like he is f**king her when her back is turned. I keep asking him to stop but he dont.


He is starting to do stuff that he use to do when we first started dating. I dont know if he is trying to impress her or what.


I dont know if I am just being paranoid because of my ex or if I really have something to worry about. By the way, her "husband" is the CHIEF OF POLICE.

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The heart wants what it wants, but your head knows better. Ask him point blank if he is having an affair. Catch him off guard. don't give him time to formulate some b.s. "can you pass the salt...are you having an affair" Look in his eyes when you ask him...don't let him look away. This whole "bend over" thing...unacceptable! If it bothers you and you told him and he still does it, then he doesn't respect you enough. I'm sure you are vulnerable because of past experiences, but if he knows that he should respect that...tell him your concerns. If he laughs at you or tells says you are paranoid, drop him, he is not sensitive to your needs. You deserve someone you can trust. If all else fails, you can always hire a private investigator...if he's cheating, you'll find out sooner of later...better it be sooner

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