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Felt abused so i defended myself am i wrong?


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ok so heres the story

in my math class we have these things called p.o.d's ( problem of the day) and i had a test on all 80 pods entries a couple days back. so i told my mom i was going over to a friends to get the pods i needed to pass the test. When i came home she kept yelling at me telling me how long it took and asked "are you mentally retarded?" so i got really pissed. Alot of harmful things were thrown at me and she made all these false accusations like that im skipping school. so i got fed up and left to my room. i had to sharpen my pencil in order to do my homework so i got up to go to my brothers room ( he has the good pencil sharpener). As i was leaving it my mom started yelling at me again asking what i was doing and i said "im sharpening my pencil to do my homework or do you not want me to). She stood up walkd over to me and slapped me across my face which i now have nail marks across my face. I pushed her away and she came at me with closed fits. Im a wrestler so i put her in a standing headlock to restrain her till my father arrived. He then yelled at ME for starting it. He then threatned me and told me to hit him and i said no and he said "god dam right you wont hit me cuase if you did you would never walk again." Now they are neglecting me and wont even say one word to me. So.... abuse or not? Was i wrong to hit my parental? or was it self defense? NEED HELP PLEASE!!!!

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Well if you're telling the whole story you did what you had to do to protect yourself against your mother hitting you and avoid escalating the situation.


If your mother or father hit you on a regular basis you might want to tell an adult like a counselor at school. As an alternative you could tell your parents that if they ever lay a hand on you again that you will call 911 and have them arrested or you could just wait until one of them does hit you (and leaves a mark) and just call 911.


If your dad threatened to hit you until you can't walk then he has a problem. It could be that he is frustrated and doesn't know how to handle his anger in any other way. Do you think that he would actually hurt you physically?


What is going on in your life that has your mother getting so upset with you? And what is your age? The teen years can be very hard on both parents and teens.

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Another question... where do you live...?


Where I live... parents are allowed to use corporal punishment to contol their children.. but it has to be a reasonable amount of force... ie not cutting, scratching or bruising...


If you want to get technical.... you were assaulted.... but there are always three sides to the truth.. there is ..your side, your mother's side... and somewhere in the middle is the truth...


Is this a common practice in your home?


Have children services ever been to your home... any police involvement?


Just some questions to broaden the picture...


BTW... this information is only based on my area... it may be different where you live...

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What you need to do is report you parents to the police, a doctor, etc.. This is abuse. Is this a one time incident or has it been going on for a long time?


You did not deserve that kind of treatment. Your parents really need some help with their anger issues. If you have any relatives that you can talk to as well, please do.

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