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get hurt again and again

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I have been told that there are people who enjoy making others believe they are in love with them when they are not and these people find it easy to make others fall in love with them because they only give them just enough of the truth and just enough of the lie and that mix will confuse them forever. These people view love as something only related to what they can give and at a certain level and anything above or below it will immediately get them looking elsewhere.


They simply are not up to the task of real love because they believe themselves to be unlovable and it is these types of people you must weed out and do your best to not fall in love with them. Because if you give them real love, give them more than you would give a stranger walking down the street, they will misread it and then think that they are been cheated and lied to. These people can't accept love because they have been hurt in the past and will do everything in their power to not get hurt again.

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