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Long distance, insecurity, problems.....

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Ok i need some advic, My gf and i live 3 hours away from each other but we have been going out for almost 2 years now, seeing each other on weekends and holidays.....The thing is i have a big insecurity issue witht the distance, but i dont think all my insecurities are from me as a person but from some of the stuff she does... i want to know if you guys think this sutff is a bit suss or weird.... firstly she lives with a guy (becasue she lives at a youth hostel thingy) and he is madly in love with her i mean like madly and love, me and her broke up for like 2 months but got back together andhe and one of her freinds told me that her (they guy she lives with ) picked each other up but she completly denies it and of course i cant not beleive her because then wheres the trust?? and considering i have my doubts i am to affraid to pusue it anymore.....i say to her i dont like her living with him and stuff but she doesnt care????? and this guy always gets into a buisness and it really piss's me of but she says she talks to him to stop but he still doesnt???? and also she has her phone on silent all the time and i can never get a hold of her only when she asks me to call her??? she also is very stubburn and always makes me out to be wrong and i feel powerless with her???and one time she had a sex xhat with one of my freinds telling him how to have sex cause he had never done it and she was explaining like in depth, but the onlyt way she knew how to have sex is from me?? so basically she was telling him how we have sex and how i do finger her and stuff..............but she doesnt seem to think any of this is not right but i do??? am i being over insecure???? i need to know i need help..........


if someones knows alot give me ur hotmail becasue i need lots of advice for this as i am going insane>...............


Thanks Jared

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You can't be serious. She is playing you for a complete fool. She is living with another guy and has sex with a friend of yours because she wanted to teach him the right way? She is a total cakewoman. She is playing around on you keeping her cell on silent and you are like a puppy dog who accepts it. Move on and find someone who respects you and your relationship. This girl clearly does not. You are wasting your time when you could be looking for someone else who is not such a player. Stop being played.

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