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More FWB drama

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I posted a thread earlier about the guy I've been having a sort of no-strings, FWB situation with. Well since that post he began becoming rather distant and then on Tuesday night he told me that he wanted to break things off romantically. He said he still wants to be my friend but that we couldn't pursue anything romantic. He told me he had feelings for me that he didn't want to deal with and that he wasn't able to be in a relationship right now. I told him I understood, but that I did have feelings for him and it would be hard for me to just be friends. He said he understood that and left. I was very upset and depressed, thinking that we had broken up and I was unlikely to see him much anymore.


Well, the next night he called me and asked me to go downstairs to watch a movie with him. I declined because I'm not ready to be in a friends setting with him and not let things get romantic. The next night, I am downtown dancing with a few friends, including two of my guy friends, one who is my designated driver. I see him outside as we are coming into my apartment. I didn't speak to him, just went past him inside. He called me back and I went to talk to him for a few minutes. My designated driver came out to make sure I was okay, after which my FWB asked me "Is that your new guy?" I told him he wasn't, and we chatted a little, during which time he asked me about four more times if my DD was someone I was seeing. Then he said he had to go inside and I said, "ok, see you later." He said "that's it?" and I said "What do you want me to say?" He just kind of looked at me and I walked off toward my apartment. When I got home, I realized that he had called me earlier. When I didn't answer, he text messaged me, saying "Wake up, I miss you."


WTF? He always completely confuses me. He didn't want a relationship. I said ok. If he just wants to be friends, this is certainly weird behavior, right? I haven't pushed him or anything. I haven't even tried to contact him since we broke up. I thought the best way to deal with things was to give him some space. Apparently, space is not what he wants. It's odd behavior for him because he claims to never get jealous, also. I just don't understand, but I do know that if he wants to be with me he needs to tell me that. Either he's with me or he's not--I can't take this limbo stuff anymore.

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Your friend that you have been having sex with is a coward. Tell the limp boy in no uncertain terms that you want a relationship with him now with feelings and all that goes with it. If he can step up to the plate and provide that, great. If not, then F off. No friendship and no questions about "Is that your new guy?" Might be, might not be. None of your business.

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Timberlane is right Kristybelle, dont wait around for him. If he cant get it together it aint your fault!

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