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Crush on my OB/Gyn

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My doctor and I have a friendly relationship. I saw him for the first time in a year the other day in his office for my annual ob/gyn visit. I must admit I look really good and he gave me a big smile. I have had a crush on him for 5 years now. Now that I'm done having kids I am ready to get something going with him. We are both married. I told him at our appointment that I wasn't happy in my marriage. He started talking about women at the local elementary school cheating with men. It was a whirlwind conversation ending with him giving me his email so i could contact him for a referral to a doctor i had been asking him about. He told me he wanted to keep in touch. I sent him an email 2 days ago. It was professional but I left it very open ended. Asking him if he thinks i need to come to see him. I haven't heard from him yet. What do you Think?

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My doctor and I have a friendly relationship. I saw him for the first time in a year the other day in his office for my annual ob/gyn visit. I must admit I look really good and he gave me a big smile. I have had a crush on him for 5 years now. Now that I'm done having kids I am ready to get something going with him. We are both married. I told him at our appointment that I wasn't happy in my marriage. He started talking about women at the local elementary school cheating with men. It was a whirlwind conversation ending with him giving me his email so i could contact him for a referral to a doctor i had been asking him about. He told me he wanted to keep in touch. I sent him an email 2 days ago. It was professional but I left it very open ended. Asking him if he thinks i need to come to see him. I haven't heard from him yet. What do you Think?


I think affairs are skanky. For all you know, he beats his wife. Just because somebody smiles at you doesn't mean you're 'meant to be'.

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We are both married.


Wow, I've had a "crush" on my OB/GYN for over 20 years, but I think the fact that you are both married makes coming on to him a very bad idea. I'm really trying to imagine opening that door in a way that's "professional."


Even though I am done having kids, I wouldn't want to have to find a new Gyno for my other womanly medical needs.


Keeping in touch with a patient through email for a DR referral and opening the door to a personal relationship are two different things IMHO.


I think if you are unhappy in your marriage that you should choose to work on it or simply end it. And if you decide to end it, pursue available men.


Hope you won't be Dr shopping soon....I suspect you may have made him uncomfortable and that's why he hasn't replied.

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You are treading on dangerous ground here. If you guys are both married, then you are endangering this man's medical license. It is ethically wrong to date a patient, especially married ones. Please make sure that he has spoken on an attraction to you before you embarass yourself. Doctors have to be very personable to their patients. Don't confuse a good bedside manner with flirtation. Also...if you divorce your husband and decide to date your doctor, you are required to find another physician. He can no longer see you as a patient. If your husband would choose to report this doctor, he could possibly lose his medical license and may not be able to practice medicine in your state again. As a future doctor, i wouldn't risk getting involved with a patient. I just wanted you to realize the risks for him. Hopefully this helps....

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It is ethically wrong to date a patient, especially married ones.


Don't mean to hijack the thread but I like to know.

Is it against the law to date a patient? What are the consequences?

The reason I'm asking is because I am currently dating a Chiroprator and I am his patient as well.

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He wouldn't be arrested for dating a patient. However, being a person's physician is considered a position of power. Sometimes people take advanatage of it. The medical board does not look to highly on it my state (Ohio). I know of cases where doctors have gotten their medical license suspended or had to pay fines for behaving inappropiately with their patients. We just had a lunch time seminar where people from the medical board was telling us to be professional. It's not worth it, and you can't work during the time your license is suspended. Just get another chiropractor. People are nuts, and someone could report your boy/girl friend. Hope this helps...

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