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is he ready??

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Ok, I have a crush on one of my guy friends, and have had one for a while, but decided to just chill and not try to see if anything would develop. Everything good with that decision, because we have become really good friends over the past couple of months. Well the other day I was talking to a guy who I use to work with and he had friend with him, after they left my friend came over to me and was kind of smiling and I asked him what was up and he said some random thing and I just blew it off but then he goes "so I saw you flirting with chris" and I told him no I was not and he said "well ok then you were flirting with the other guy". No way was I flirting. Anyway, one of my girl friends heard the exchange between us and said that he was jealous. Sounds like it, right?

Well this past Friday night me and him and one of our other friends went out to a haunted house and afterwards my friend asked if we were going to go to this get together but I said no. He dropped me off around midnight or so and that was that. Ok so around 3:30 in the morning I get a message from my friend saying that it was fun at the haunted house and that he just got in from the party and for me to have a good saturday.

So my question is.....Does it seem that he may want to take our friendship to the next level as well? Or was he just being a friend?

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Ok, I have a crush on one of my guy friends, and have had one for a while, but decided to just chill and not try to see if anything would develop. Everything good with that decision, because we have become really good friends over the past couple of months. Well the other day I was talking to a guy who I use to work with and he had friend with him, after they left my friend came over to me and was kind of smiling and I asked him what was up and he said some random thing and I just blew it off but then he goes "so I saw you flirting with chris" and I told him no I was not and he said "well ok then you were flirting with the other guy". No way was I flirting. Anyway, one of my girl friends heard the exchange between us and said that he was jealous. Sounds like it, right?

Well this past Friday night me and him and one of our other friends went out to a haunted house and afterwards my friend asked if we were going to go to this get together but I said no. He dropped me off around midnight or so and that was that. Ok so around 3:30 in the morning I get a message from my friend saying that it was fun at the haunted house and that he just got in from the party and for me to have a good saturday.

So my question is.....Does it seem that he may want to take our friendship to the next level as well? Or was he just being a friend?


So you last saw him at midnight and three and a half hours later he was texting you and telling you how much fun he had? I would say that he is interested in taking the friendship to the next level.

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If he does have a thing for me, shouldn't he have already asked me out by now? Since our group outing, a little over a week ago, I have noticed that he touches me more and laughs at some of the things I say, but he has not asked me out yet. Am I stressing over nothing or did I read the signs wrong?

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why not ask him out yourself... or if you're too chicken maybe leave hints like 'gee I've got nothing planned this Saturday, I wonder what there is to do... hey what are you up to?'


It sounds to me like he's trying to read your signals as well and is probably getting up the courage to ask you out... If you are nervous about asking him out chances are that he is nervous about asking you out too!

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I find it interesting you made this post.


The week before halloween me and my gal pal went to this haunted house thing, I made it clear it wasnt a date.


So..to my dismay on halloween night she called to see what I was up to and told me she had a good time at the huanted house (imo i thought it sucked). This is the first time it ever happened. And I know her for 4 years; the fact that we only get together 3-4 times a year...it was a surprise.


Well I only see her as a friend, and I have a good time hanging out/talking with her nothing more.


As for your situation Candykisses, I say give him the benefit of the doubt and hint at upcoming movies/events or restaurants you want to try out...If he's smart he'll invite you to one of those. If he's not then he's dumb or uninterested.

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ok, I finally texted him today and said "so with all of the favors I have done for you, what do I get in return....dinner?" and he replied with "Wow!" and that's it. So I texted him back and said "that's not an answer". I haven't heard back from him, does it sound like he isn't interested based on the reply and the lack of him not replying to my other message? Any thoughts!!

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