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What to say to her... player card could be lost

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:o I'm a very attractive multi racial black guy who can get any gurl he wants...........That was before a one year relationship thats been off and over for about 2 months....I'm at drawing board of getting my "walk back" and I noticed ever since its been over, more gurls have been flirting and its kinda back to normal.NOW here's my friendly problem there is this very popular gurl that i'm talkin too every day(and i'm really feeling her:love: ) for about a week and we are kool friends....My problem is I think im one more conversation away from being considerd just a friend....A year ago this would've been a problem.I still have a chance and can't remember how to evolve a damn relationship:mad: .


And now more than ever I feel like that 1 year relationship has damaged my reputation.If this chick calls and says "whats up"one more time im going to choke.IT SEEMS LIKE SHES WAITING FOR ME TO ASK HER OUT,Indirectly of couse.She might call tonight so what do I say?:o

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Ok, if it seems like she's waiting for you to ask her out, and you know you like her, why don't you ASK HER OUT? What are you waiting for? Do you want HER to ask you out? Is that how the player card works - you do nothing while she keeps calling until she gets so frustrated with your lazy ass that she has to ask you out for anything to happen?

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