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no phone calls

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my girlfriend and i have been in a ldr for over a year. I'm in the UK. She's in Australia. We used to talk on the phone for hours but i haven't heard her voice for over 7 months now. i don't want to force her to talk to me but i REALLY miss her sexy voice n giggle! Am i being unreasonable getting upset about it? why isn't she bothered about it at all? i don't know what to do, anyone have a similar problem?

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we email, text and stuff everyday and write to each other heaps, shes always telling me she loves me hmm we just don't talk on the phone. ive asked her why she doesn't want to talk to me but she just says she does. i know she has problems with anxiety so she doesn't like talking on the phone to anyone but i just don't know what to do

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